Month: August 2013

Suarez, Pablo; et al. (2013): Geoengineering and the Humanitarian Challenge. What Role for the Most Vulnerable?

Suarez, Pablo; Banerjee, Bidisha; de Suarez, Janot Mendler (2013): Geoengineering and the Humanitarian Challenge. What Role for the Most Vulnerable? Opinion Article (Geoengineering Our Climate? Working Paper and Opinion Article Series).

This paper raises two key questions: “1. What role, voice or agency will the vulnerable have in geoengineering decisions? 2. Who will pay for humanitarian operations in a geoengineered future?”


Bellamy, Rob; et al. (2013): ‘Opening up’ geoengineering appraisal: Multi-Criteria Mapping of options for tackling climate change

Bellamy, Rob; Chilvers, Jason; Vaughan, Naomi E.; Lenton, Timothy M. (2013): ‘Opening up’ geoengineering appraisal: Multi-Criteria Mapping of options for tackling climate change. In Global Environmental Change. DOI 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2013.07.011.

“For the first time, in this paper we begin to address these limitations by ‘opening up’ appraisal inputs and outputs to a wider diversity of framings, knowledges and future pathways.”


Dilling, Lisa; Hauser, Rachel (2013): Governing geoengineering research: why, when and how?

Dilling, Lisa; Hauser, Rachel (2013): Governing geoengineering research: why, when and how? In Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-013-0835-z.

“In this paper, we consider the reasons why geoengineering research might be subject to additional governance and suggest mechanisms that might be usefully applied in developing such a framework.”


Nogues, Salvador; Azcon-Bieto, Joaquim (2013): Potential of Local Bio-Geoengineering to Mitigate Dangerous Temperature Increases in a Global Warming Scenario

Nogues, Salvador; Azcon-Bieto, Joaquim (2013): Potential of Local Bio-Geoengineering to Mitigate Dangerous Temperature Increases in a Global Warming Scenario. In Journal of Earth Science [&] Climatic Change 4 (3). DOI 10.4172/2157-7617.1000143.

“We[nbsp] propose here that global warming could be partially mitigated directly through local bio-geoengineering approaches.”


Zürn, Michael; Schäfer, Stefan (2013): The Paradox of Climate Engineering

Zürn, Michael; Schäfer, Stefan (2013): The Paradox of Climate Engineering. In Global Policy, pp. n/a. DOI 10.1111/gpol.12004.

” We find a paradox of climate engineering, which consists in the circumstance that exactly those technologies that are capable of acting fast and effectively against rising temperatures at comparatively low costs, are also the technologies that are likely to create the greatest amount of social and political conflict.”
