Month: November 2014

Craik, Neil; Moore, Nigel (2014): Disclosure-based Governance for Climate Engineering Research

Craik, Neil; Moore, Nigel (2014): Disclosure-based Governance for Climate Engineering Research (CIGI Papers, 50).

“The objective of this paper is to focus attention on two distinct roles that disclosure-based governance is anticipated to play: minimization of the potential for environmental and social concerns associated with CE research; and to generate and maintain legitimacy in the research process itself.”


Cairns, Rose (2014): Climates of suspicion: ‘chemtrail’ conspiracy narratives and the international politics of geoengineering

Cairns, Rose (2014): Climates of suspicion: ‘chemtrail’ conspiracy narratives and the international politics of geoengineering. In The Geographical Journal, pp. n/a. DOI 10.1111/geoj.12116.

“This paper builds on work highlighting the instability of the distinction between ‘paranoid’ and ‘normal’ views, and examines the chemtrail conspiracy narrative as a discourse rather than a pathology (either psychological or sociological).”


Sustainable Business: Carbon Farming Gaining Traction In US

“If you read our news, you know we keep writing about reversing climate change by re-building soil either through[nbsp]applying compost, moving to organic agriculture or bringing back herds of grazing animals. Could it be catching on? We’ve heard about three programs – one[nbsp]starting in the US, one in Kenya and another in Australia.”
