The Atlantic: Whats the Answer to Climate Change?
“It’s not enough to let the market handle it or depend on geo-engineering.”
“It’s not enough to let the market handle it or depend on geo-engineering.”
McCormack, Caitlin G.; Born, Wanda; Irvine, Peter J.; Achterberg, Eric P.; Amano, Tatsuya; Ardron, Jeff et al. (2016): Key impacts of climate engineering on biodiversity and ecosystems, with priorities for future research. In Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, pp. 1–26. DOI 10.1080/1943815X.2016.1159578.
“A literature review was carried out to identify details of the potential ecological effects of climate engineering techniques. A group of biodiversity and environmental change researchers then employed a modified Delphi expert consultation technique to evaluate this evidence and prioritize the effects based on the relative importance of, and scientific understanding about, their biodiversity and ecosystem consequences.”
Sanchez, Daniel L.; Callaway, Duncan S. (2016): Optimal scale of carbon-negative energy facilities. In Applied Energy 170, pp. 437–444. DOI 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.02.134.
“In this paper we develop a spatially explicit optimization framework to characterize the drivers of optimal sizing for potential BECCS facilities in Illinois. The approach leverages county-level biomass supply data, detailed road transportation networks, existing technology cost estimates, and previous geologic characterizations of long-term CO2 storage.”
Rödger, Jan-Markus; Hammond, Jim; Brownsort, Peter; Dickinson, Dane; Joewen, Achim (2016): Live cycle assessment: biochar as a greenhouse gas sink? In Simon Shackley, Greet Ruysschaert, Kor Zwart, B. Glaser (Eds.): Biochar in European soils and agriculture. Science and practice. London, New York: Routledge, pp. 184–204.
“To address the real contribution of thermally coverted biomass for greenhouse gas mitigation, it is necessary to assess the whole life cycle from the production of the biomass feedstock to the actual distribution and utilisation of the biochar produced in a regional context.”
“In The Planet Remade, Oliver Morton considers ambitious—and controversial—arguments in favor of technological climate intervention.”
“The risks of geoengineering, large-scale technological manipulation of the climate, are great. And knowledge is poor. It warns Linköping scientists in a new survey.“
“Hence the appeal of what might be called “natural geoengineering.” Natural ecological processes already offer many reliable and safe ways to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Currently, natural processes — such as photosynthesis by tropical trees and marine phytoplankton, and CO2 absorption by ocean waters — remove and store more than half of the carbon emissions generated by human activities. With thoughtful environmental stewardship there is the promise of doing more, and doing it in more environmentally friendly ways.”
“Harvard’s Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics and Professor of Public Policy David Keith visited ASU to deliver a presentation on Solar Geoengineering. The[nbsp]presentation, sponsored by SFIS through the new Center for Energy and Society, led by SFIS Associate Director Clark Miller, focused on the risks and rewards of employing stratospheric sulfate aerosols to alter climate.”
Center for Climate Science and Policy Research (2016): Policy brief on climate engineering. With assistance of Victoria Wibeck, Anders Hansson, Raffael Himmelsbach, Mathias Fridahl, Björn-Ola Linnér, Jonas Anshelm. Linköping (Policy Briefs, 15).
“As these discussions will affect the forthcoming review of pathways toward 1.5°C warming, this policy brief takes stock of climate engineering. It draws on the expertise of Linköping University’s Climate Engineering (LUCE) interdisciplinary research programme. The brief provides an overview of the status of academic debate on climate engineering regarding bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS);[nbsp] stratospheric aerosol injection; and mass media reporting and public engagement.“
Sütterlin, Bernadette; Siegrist, Michael (2016): Public perception of solar radiation management. The impact of information and evoked affect. In Journal of Risk Research, pp. 1–16. DOI 10.1080/13669877.2016.1153501.
“In the present study, we used an experimental approach to examine factors influencing laypeople’s perception of SRM and how information about SRM shapes people’s evaluation of geoengineering technologies.”