Month: May 2017

Ying, Chen; Yuan, Xin (2017): Implications of geoengineering under the 1.5 °c target. Analysis and policy suggestions

Ying, Chen; Yuan, Xin (2017): Implications of geoengineering under the 1.5 °c target. Analysis and policy suggestions. In: Advances in Climate Change Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.accre.2017.05.003

“In this context, geoengineering is gaining interest in the international arena. The Paris Agreement includes afforestation, carbon capture, utilization and storage, and negative emission technologies such as bio-energy with carbon capture and store. All of these techniques are CO2 removal technologies that belong to geoengineering. Solar radiation management, which is highly controversial, has also attracted increased attention in recent years.”


Carbon A List: What is Direct Air Capture? (part 1)

“Next week, a[nbsp]Swiss company called Climeworks is holding an opening ceremony for their first of a kind plant that will pull 900 tons of carbon dioxide from the air per year and feed it to a neighboring greenhouse. While there are a handful of commercial and academic efforts building systems to extract carbon dioxide from air, Climeworks is the first company to deliver their product to a paying customer. They are also one of the finalists for the Virgin Earth Challenge; a $25 million award going to any solution or approach that can permanently remove one billion tons of carbon dioxide from circulation in a year.”


Call for Application: Climate Engineering Conference 2017: Critical Global Discussions

Deadline: 30. June 2017

“The conference will convene discussions of the vast and diverse array of questions that climate engineering raises for disciplinary research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and transdisciplinary engagement. The conference organizers would like to invite abstract submissions from those interested in presenting their work at the conference.”


Call for Application: Radiation Management Climate Engineering (Gordon Research Conference)

Deadline: 25. June 2017

“Climate engineering, also called geoengineering, is the idea of deliberately intervening in Earth’s global radiation budget with the goal of reducing some of the risks of accumulating greenhouse gases. The two most frequently discussed possibilities are injecting aerosols into the stratosphere or adding aerosols to low marine clouds, both of which would reflect more sunlight to space; other possibilities include artificially thinning cirrus cloud cover to increasing outgoing longwave radiation. This conference will focus on the scientific questions associated with this set of technologies with the goal of fostering a better understanding of their efficacy and risks. “


NBC News: The Solution to Climate Change Might Be Right Under Our Feet

On CCS and BECCS. “But there’s one CCS project experts agree stands out from the crowd. Last month, an Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) facility launched the Illinois Industrial Carbon Capture Project, which is expected to store 1.1 million tons of carbon dioxide per year in a sandstone layer a mile-and-a-half underground. Because it builds on a previous project, scientists are certain that billions of tons of carbon dioxide will easily remain trapped within the sediment. “