Month: September 2018

livemint: Opinion

“In 1991, when Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted, it spewed over 20 million tonnes of sulphur into the upper atmosphere. Shortly thereafter we began to witness a strange phenomenon. The sulphates in the stratosphere were acting as a sort of a sun visor, shielding the earth from the sun’s rays and reducing global temperatures by nearly half a degree Celsius by the end of the year.”


The Green Optimistic: Geoengineering Could Solve Climate Change, Say Scientists

“Solar geoengineering sounds like the stuff of science fiction, using balloons or jets to introduce an atmospheric sunshade to stop global warming. A group of scientists from developing countries interested in solar geoengineering demanded to have a greater say in the direction of research into climate change, arguing that their countries have the most at stake.”

LINK Extreme measures the world may have to consider if it doesn’t act on climate change

“THE world seems incapable of taking decisive action on climate change but we may soon have to consider some bizarre options to stop global warming if we fail to act. The Paris Agreement sets a target of well under 2 degrees celsius warming and researchers decided to look at how much it would cost to achieve this target, and the more ambitious target of 1.5C, as well as what the potential benefits were.”


Call for Abstracts: Geoscience & Society Summit

Deadline: 8. November 2018

“Globally, our society is facing some very complex challenges, ranging from the sustainability of natural resources and systems to global health and resilience. Join us for the inaugural Geoscience and Society Summit, where scientists, governments, affected peoples, and funding agencies will break from the traditional conference model to share their insights and experiences, cultivate innovative solutions, and enhance international and intercultural collaboration. The Summit’s “Call for Innovations” is now open.”


Dietz, S.; et al. (2018): The Economics of 1.5°C Climate Change

Dietz, S.; Bowen, A.; Doda, B.; Gambhir, A.; Warren, R. (2018): The Economics of 1.5°C Climate Change. In: Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 43 (1). DOI: 10.1146/annurev-environ-102017-025817.

“Setting off with higher emissions will make 1.5°C unattainable quickly without recourse to expensive large-scale carbon dioxide removal (CDR), or solar radiation management (SRM), which can be cheap but poses ambiguous risks society seems unwilling to take. Carbon pricing could reduce mitigation costs substantially compared with ramping up the current patchwork of regulatory instruments. Nonetheless, a mix of policies is justified and technology-specific approaches may be required. It is particularly important to step up mitigation finance to developing countries, where emissions abatement is relatively cheap.”


Carlson, C.; et al. (2018): Climate engineering needs a clean bill of health

Carlson, C.; Trisos, C. (2018): Climate engineering needs a clean bill of health. In: Nature Climate change 8 (10), S. 843–845. DOI: 10.1038/s41558-018-0294-7.

“Climate change will almost certainly cause millions of deaths. Climate engineering might prevent this, but benefits — and risks — remain mostly unevaluated. Now is the time to bring planetary health research into climate engineering conversations.”