Month: July 2019

Tuskegee University: New discovery by Tuskegee researchers holds promise for reducing climate change threats

“Researchers at Tuskegee University have modified and discovered new bio-based natural materials that could eliminate the harmful buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. They believe the use of naturally occurring nanocellulose holds the key to efficiently and cost-effectively mitigating carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases associated with rising global temperatures and extreme weather events.”


Reynolds, J.; et al. (2019): Highly decentralized solar geoengineering

Reynolds, J.; Wagner, G. (2019): Highly decentralized solar geoengineering. In: Environmental Politics 4 (3), S. 1–17. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2019.1648169.

“Nonstate actors appear to have increasing power, in part due to new technologies that alter actors’ capacities and incentives. Although solar geoengineering is typically conceived of as centralized and state-deployed, we explore highly decentralized solar geoengineering. Done perhaps through numerous small high-altitude balloons, it could be provided by nonstate actors such as environmentally motivated nongovernmental organizations or individuals.”


Stilgoe, J. (2019): Shared space and slow science in geoengineering research

Stilgoe, J. (2019): Shared space and slow science in geoengineering research. In: René von Schomberg und Jonathan Hankins (Eds.): International handbook on responsible innovation. A global resource. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 259–270.

“In this chapter, I use the idea of shared space as an analogy for the responsible governance of a controversial emerging area of science: geoengineering. I begin by sketching a conventional history of geoengineering ideas, before complicating this narrative to suggest that the conventional distribution of responsibility between climate understanding and climate control cannot be drawn as easily, as is often assumed. I then consider the contested nature of geoengineering experiments as a site for the negotiation of responsibility.”


Gruber, S.; et al. (2019): A Process Study on Thinning of Arctic Winter Cirrus Clouds With High‐Resolution ICON‐ART Simulations

Gruber, S.; Blahak, U.; Haenel, F.; Kottmeier, C.; Leisner, T.; Muskatel, H. et al. (2019): A Process Study on Thinning of Arctic Winter Cirrus Clouds With High‐Resolution ICON‐ART Simulations. In: J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 498 (21), S. 339. DOI: 10.1029/2018JD029815.

“In this study, cloud‐resolving simulations of a case study for a limited area of the hibernal Arctic were performed with the atmospheric modeling system ICON‐ART (ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic‐Aerosol and Reactive Trace gases). A thorough comparison with data both from satellite as well as aircraft measurement is presented to validate the simulations. In addition, the model is applied to clarify the microphysical processes occurring when introducing artificial aerosol particles into the upper troposphere with the aim of modifying cirrus clouds in the framework of climate engineering.”


Clean Air Task Force: CCS Could Reduce 49 Million Tonnes of CO2 Emissions From Coal & Gas Power Plants

“Incentivized by 45Q tax credits, CCS deployment in the U.S. power sector could help capture and store 49 million metric tonnes. This is equivalent to removing roughly 7 million cars off the road. In our scenario, the model chooses to build CCS only in the form of retrofits on existing coal and gas plants. The model also chooses to send all of the captured CO2 into storage through EOR implying that storage in saline reservoirs is economically less favorable in comparison.”