Bach, L. T.; et al. (2019): CO2 Removal With Enhanced Weathering and Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement: Potential Risks and Co-benefits for Marine Pelagic Ecosystems

Bach, Lennart T.; Gill, Sophie J.; Rickaby, Rosalind E. M.; Gore, Sarah; Renforth, Phil (2019): CO2 Removal With Enhanced Weathering and Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement: Potential Risks and Co-benefits for Marine Pelagic Ecosystems. In Front. Clim. 1, p. 7. DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2019.00007.

“Humankind will need to remove hundreds of gigatons of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere by the end of the twenty-first century to keep global warming below 2°C within the constraints of the global carbon budget. However, so far it is unclear if and how this could be achieved.”