Month: February 2021

Baird, Mark Edward; et al. (2020): Optimising cool-water injections to reduce thermal stress on coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef

Baird, Mark Edward; Green, Rebecca; Lowe, Ryan; Mongin, Mathieu; Bougeot, Elodie (2020): Optimising cool-water injections to reduce thermal stress on coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef. In PloS one 15 (10), e0239978. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239978.

“Coral bleaching driven by ocean warming is one of the most visible ecological impacts of climate change and perhaps the greatest threat to the persistence of reefs in the coming decades”


Ghidoni, Riccardo; et al. (2021): Governing Climate Geoengineering: Side-payments are not enough

Ghidoni, Riccardo; Bosetti, Valentina; Tavoni, Massimo; Abatayo, Anna (2021): Governing Climate Geoengineering: Side-payments are not enough. Available online at

“Through a laboratory experiment on a public good-or-bad game, we study whether side-payments can address this governance problem. While theoretically effective, our experimental results show only a modest impact of side-payments on outcomes, especially in a multilateral setup. Replacing unstructured bilateral exchanges with a treaty framework simplifies the action space and performs moderately better.”


Carbon Capture Coalition (2021): Federal Policy Blueprint

Carbon Capture Coalition (2021): Federal Policy Blueprint. Washington, D.C.

“The blueprint represents a consensus of the Coalition’s more than 80 energy, industrial and technology companies, labor unions, and conservation, environmental, and clean energy organizations. It highlights an extensive suite of near-term recommendations for policymakers to adopt to maximize the impact of the 45Q tax credit, facilitate the buildout of CO2[nbsp]transport and storage capacity, and increase federal investment in carbon management technologies, among others.”


Mackler, Sasha; et al. (2021): The Commercial Case for Direct Air Capture. A White Paper by the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Direct Air Capture Advisory Council

Mackler, Sasha; Broberg, Danny; Dean, Kimberly; Steves, Lindsay; Waters, Emma (2021): The Commercial Case for Direct Air Capture. A White Paper by the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Direct Air Capture Advisory Council. Bipartisan Policy Center.

“This white paper outlines the commercial case for direct air capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide, which will play a critical role in reducing climate change risks this century and mitigating emissions from difficult to decarbonize sectors while also creating new market opportunities.”


Malik, Abdul; et al. (2020): Tropical Pacific climate variability under solar geoengineering: impacts on ENSO extremes

Malik, Abdul; Nowack, Peer J.; Haigh, Joanna D.; Cao, Long; Atique, Luqman; Plancherel, Yves (2020): Tropical Pacific climate variability under solar geoengineering: impacts on ENSO extremes. In Atmos. Chem. Phys 20 (23), pp. 15461–15485. DOI: 10.5194/acp-20-15461-2020.

“We here present results from a 1000-year-long solar-geoengineering simulation, G1, carried out with the coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation model HadCM3L. In agreement with previous studies, reducing the solar irradiance (4 %) to offset global mean surface warming in the model more than compensates the warming in the tropical Pacific that develops in the 4 × CO2[nbsp]scenario.”


Manohara, G. V.; et al. (2021): Binder free novel synthesis of structured hybrid mixed metal oxides (MMOs) for high temperature CO2 capture

Manohara, G. V.; Mercedes Maroto-Valer, M.; Garcia, Susana (2021): Binder free novel synthesis of structured hybrid mixed metal oxides (MMOs) for high temperature CO2 capture. In Chemical Engineering Journal 415, p. 128881. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.128881.

“They also showed excellent cycling behaviour over 20 carbonation/regeneration cycles. This novel post synthesis modification method shows promise to develop LDH based MMOs structured sorbents that are suitable for industrial scale CO2[nbsp]capture applications.”


Oomen, Jeroen (2021): Imagining climate engineering. Dreaming of the designer climate

Oomen, Jeroen (2021): Imagining climate engineering. Dreaming of the designer climate. New York: Routledge (Routledge environmental humanities).

“This book highlights the increasing attention for climate engineering, a set of speculative technologies aimed to counter global warming. What is the future of the global climate? And who gets to decide—or even design—this future?”