Month: July 2022

Global CCS Institute Welcomes White House Announcement of Two New Taskforces on Carbon Capture and Storage

media release on, 29th July 2022

In the Federal Register today the White House Council on Environmental Quality announced the creation of two new taskforces on “Carbon Dioxide Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration (CCUS)” which will provide recommendations on increasing the efficiency and equity of CCUS permitting and development. One of the taskforces will focus on CCUS deployment on federal lands and offshore waters, while the other focuses on non-federal lands.


Research Associate: Social and cultural implications of greenhouse gas removal with UK agriculture via enhanced rock weathering

Deadline: Friday, 5 August 2022

Cardiff University Schools of Psychology and of Social Sciences are seeking to appoint a Research Associate to work on a major UKRI interdisciplinary demonstrator programme on greenhouse gas removal in agriculture. The successful candidate will carry out original community-based research in demonstrator regions in Wales and England where technologies for greenhouse gas removal in agricultural systems are being trialled. The research will focus upon public responses to potential technology deployment, its community and cultural impacts, and the innovation and sustainability implications for agricultural systems.


This is CDR: Carbon Drawdown Initiative

Tue, August 2, 2022; 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EDT by Open Air

In the next “This Is CDR”, the Carbon Drawdown Initiative Founder and CEO Dirk Paessler and geologist Ingrid Smet will talk about the Project Carbdown, a long-term field enhanced rock weathering (ERW) field trial, with a focus on the Project’s efforts to develop effective and practical measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) of ERW as a method of durable carbon removal.


Coleman et al. [Preprint]: Quantifying baseline costs and cataloging potential optimization strategies for kelp aquaculture carbon dioxide removal

Struan Coleman, Tobias Dewhurst, David W. Fredriksson, Adam St. Gelais, Kelly L. Cole, Michael MacNicoll, Eric Laufer, Damian Brady IN: Front. Mar. Sci., Sec. Marine Fisheries, Aquaculture and Living Resources, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.966304

The authors take a detailed look at the economics of growing and sinking massive amounts of seaweed in the ocean as a means of permanently sequestering carbon. They find that the cost of kelp-based CDR in their model system is more than $17k per ton of CO₂. After careful optimization, this could drop as low as $1,200/ton, still many times higher than the Energy Department’s goal of $100/ton. Why so expensive? Unsurprisingly, building floating farms that can handle the wind and waves of the ocean is hard. But kelp farms also face more mundane challenges. Like all carbon removal solutions, decarbonizing the supply chain and improving methods for monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) are musts in order for this solution to become efficient and cheap enough for prime time.


Research fellow opportunities in Asia Research Institute (CESEA)

Deadline: 31 July 2022

The Asia Research Institute (ARI), National University of Singapore (NUS), invites applications for three full-time Research Fellows to work on a research project funded by the Social Sciences Research Council (SSRC) Singapore, under its Thematic Grant programme, entitled Climate Governance of Nature-based Carbon Sinks in Southeast Asia. The position is available on a full-time basis for two years in the first instance, but extendable for a further two years, pending review (up to four years in total).


PhD-studentship: Assessing the environmental impacts of marine-based atmospheric CO2 removal Marine biology and climate solutions

Deadline: 3rd August 2022

The University of Exeter and Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) are inviting applications for a PhD studentship fully funded by the Government Department for BEIS to commence 26 September 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter. For eligible students the studentship will cover Home tuition fees plus an annual tax-free stipend of at least £16,062 for 3 years full-time.


Williamson and Gattuso (2022): Carbon removal using coastal blue carbon ecosystems is uncertain and unreliable, with questionable climatic cost-effectiveness

Phillip Williamson and Jean-Pierre Gattuso IN: Front. Clim., 28 July 2022, Sec. Negative Emission Technologies,

The focus here is on assessing the feasibility of achieving quantified and secure carbon removal (negative emissions) through the restoration of coastal vegetation. Seven issues that affect the reliability of carbon accounting for this approach are considered: high variability in carbon burial rates; errors in determining carbon burial rates; lateral carbon transport; fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide; carbonate formation and dissolution; vulnerability to future climate change; and vulnerability to non-climatic factors.


Cooley et al. (2023): Sociotechnical Considerations About Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal

Sarah R. Cooley, Sonja Klinsky, David R. Morrow, Terre Satterfield IN: Annual Review of Marine Science, Volume 15, January 2023,

Using a sociotechnical system lens, this review identifies the sets of considerations that need to be included within robust assessments for OCDR decision-making. Specifically, it lays out the state of technical assessments of OCDR approaches along with key financial concerns, social issues (including public perceptions), and the underlying ethical debates and concerns that would need to be addressed if OCDR were to be deployed as a carbon dioxide removal strategy.


Briones-Hidrovo et al. (2022): Assessing a bio-energy system with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) through dynamic life cycle assessment and land-water-energy nexus

Andrei Briones-Hidrovo, José Ramón Copa Rey, Ana Cláudia Dias, Luís A.C. Tarelho, Sandra Beauchet IN: Energy Conversion and Management 268, 116014,

In this study, a dynamic life cycle assessment (LCA) and land-water-energy nexus are applied to a bioenergy system with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). The results show that harnessing residual forest biomass for electricity generation and carbon storage accomplished a positive climate performance.


“Our Carbon Removal Startup Wishlist”

by Ryan Orbuch on

Here is a compilation of further CDR ideas that could possibly be implemented in technologies: “Yet, there are still some carbon removal methods that we think could use some more love. They probably won’t all work, and most of them require a lot more fundamental research to understand potential risks and tradeoffs.”