Month: January 2023

Certification of carbon removals – EU rules

Deadline extended! 01 December 2022 – 23 March 2023

This initiative will propose EU rules on certifying carbon removals. It will develop the necessary rules to monitor, report and verify the authenticity of these removals. The aim is to expand sustainable carbon removals and encourage the use of innovative solutions to capture, recycle and store CO2 by farmers, foresters and industries. This represents a necessary and significant step towards integrating carbon removals into EU climate policies.

The Commission would like to hear your views: The adopted act is open for feedback. All feedback received will be summarised by the European Commission and presented to the European Parliament and Council with the aim of feeding into the legislative debate. Feedback received will be published on this site


Wiedervernässung von Mooren: Landwirte fordern neue Pläne

Zeit online, 29. Januar 2023, 15:57 Uhr; dpa Berlin/Brandenburg

“In Brandenburg sollen CO2-Emissionen aus bewirtschafteten Mooren durch Wiedervernässung gesenkt werden – die Landwirte sehen bei entsprechenden Plänen des Landes Defizite.(…) Die Landesregierung setzt im Klimaschutz auch auf Moorlandschaften. Das Umweltministerium erarbeitet derzeit den Entwurf eines Moorschutzprogramms.”


Ji et al. (2023): Energy-efficient and water-saving sorbent regeneration at near room temperature for direct air capture

T. Ji, H. Zhai, C. Wang, C.M. Marin, W.C. Wilfong, Q. Wang, Y. Duan, R. Xia, F. Jiao, Y. Soong, F. Shi, M. Gray IN: Materials Today Sustainability 21, 100321,

This study reports energy-efficient and water-saving microwave-accelerated regeneration of sorbent (MARS) for dilute carbon capture from the ambient air. The experimental studies indicated that the CO2 desorption rate from the chemisorbents increased with microwave output under near-isothermal conditions at near room temperature.


Postdoctoral Investigator in the Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department

Applications will be reviewed starting February 15, 2023, until the position is filled.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is currently searching for a Postdoctoral Investigator to join the Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department. The successful candidate will develop and execute a scaled series of ship-based ocean alkalinity enhancement field trials; will work with an interdisciplinary set of colleagues in the Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry and Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Departments to select appropriate deployment sites; plan the trials; and analyze and synthesize field data to characterize the alkalinity and carbon budgets of the deployed plumes.


DOE Invests More Than $130 Million to Lower Nation’s Carbon Pollution

on, 30. January 2023

“The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $131 million for 33 research and development projects to advance the wide-scale deployment of carbon management technologies to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution. The projects will address technical challenges of capturing CO2 from power plants and industrial facilities or directly from the atmosphere and assess potential CO2 storage sites, increasing the number of sites progressing toward commercial operations.”


Sun et al. (2023): Recent progress on direct air capture of carbon dioxide

Jialiang Sun, Meng Zhao, Liang Huang, Tianyu Zhang, Qiang Wang IN: Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 100752,

In this work, the authors systematically summarized the latest progress on the development of direct air capture and comprehensively reviewed the properties and performance of DAC adsorbents, which are categorized as physisorption and chemisorption according to sorption mechanisms.


Nature-Seo & Hatton (2023): Electrochemical direct air capture of CO2 using neutral red as reversible redox-active material

Seo, H., Hatton, T.A. IN: Nat Commun 14, 313 (2023).

The authors demonstrate electrochemical direct air capture using neutral red as a redox-active material in an aqueous solution enabled by the inclusion of nicotinamide as a hydrotropic solubilizing agent. The electrochemical system demonstrates a high electron utilization of 0.71 in a continuous flow cell with an estimated minimum work of 35 kJe per mole of CO2 from 15% CO2. Further exploration using ambient air (410 ppm CO2 in the presence of 20% oxygen) as a feed gas shows electron utilization of 0.38 in a continuous flow cell to provide an estimated minimum work of 65 kJe per mole of CO2.


Funding novel research towards atmospheric CO2 removal

Tue, 28 February 2023, 16:00 – 17:00 GMT; by Carbon Technology Research Foundation (CTRF)

CTRF’s inaugural call for research proposals will be launched by the Director of Research, Dr Sarah Wagstaffe-Jones. In 2023, they will be offering up to £4M in anticipation of funding 4-7 projects. During the session, CTRF’s initial priority areas for funding will be communicated and guidance on the application and peer review processes which will be adopted by CTRF will be provided. This webinar will be of particular interest to researchers working within the CDR space, or those wishing to pivot their innovative programmes and methodologies towards the sector. We would also encourage policymakers, funders and investors to join in the discussion.