Tag: climate politics

Fam & Fam (2024): Review of the US 2050 long term strategy to reach net zero carbon emissions

Adam Fam, Sami Fam IN: Energy Reports 12, 845-860, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2024.06.031

This review article condenses the multitude of technical and policy issues facing the US long-term strategythat lays out the pathway to reach the Paris Agreement goals, providing readers with an overview of the extent and magnitude of the challenges while outlining possible solutions.


Brunner will CO2-Speicherung im Boden ermöglichen

gmx.at, 12.09.2023, 16:37 Uhr

“Finanzminister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP) will das seit 2011 geltende Verbot der geologischen CO2-Speicherung in Österreich aufheben. Geht es nach Brunner, der als Minister auch für den Bergbau zuständig ist, soll das Verbot noch im Herbst fallen. Ein Evaluierungsbericht des Finanzministeriums zum Gesetz empfehle die Aufhebung des Verbots, sagte Brunner am Dienstag vor Journalistinnen und Journalisten. […] Zur Erarbeitung einer nationalen “Carbon Management Strategie” lädt Brunner am Mittwoch Fachleute aus verschiedenen Bereichen ins Finanzministerium. So treffen morgen Unternehmerinnen, Politiker, die Sozialpartner, NGOs und Wissenschafter zusammen.[…] Anfang bis Mitte 2024 soll die Strategie stehen, damit konkrete Maßnahmen beschlossen werden können.”


Capturing Carbon Isn’t Enough. We Need to Remove It.

by Lara Williams (Bloomberg) on washingtonpost.com; March 18, 2023 at 8:03 a.m. EDT

“The US’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Act have together provided billions to support the development and deployment of carbon-removal approaches, including $3.5 billion for four DAC hubs alone. While the UK can’t compete in terms of cash, it could leverage its position as a world leader in research to nurture climate startups. Without more funding and regulatory support, UK climate innovations risk getting stuck in the so-called valley of death, a period in which a significant increase in funding is required to make the transition from academic research to commercialization. With the US offerings already tempting some startups to cross the pond, including Switzerland’s Climeworks AG, the UK could really miss out on the potential to create even more green jobs, level up its regional hubs and become an exporter of cutting-edge climate technology.”


Highlights From EU’s First Expert Group Meeting On The Carbon Removal Certification Framework

by Petya Trendafilova on Carbon Herald, March 8, 2023

“On March 7th, the European Commission hosted its first expert group meeting on the European Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) – the first proposed EU framework that will aim to introduce overarching rules for measuring, validating and certifying carbon removals. The meeting was highlighted with panel discussions on critical topics like carbon storage and carbon farming and overall started the work on developing the body of the framework. That was also the first meeting of the European Commission dedicated exclusively to carbon dioxide removal (CDR).”


Climate Negotiations in Times of Multiple Crises – Credibility and trust in international climate politics after COP 27

Marian Feist & Oliver Geden IN: SWP Comment 2023/C 10, 17.02.2023, 6 Pages; doi:10.18449/2023C10

With regard to emission reductions, there is a credibility crisis that threatens to worsen, not only because political priorities have shifted following Russia’s attack on Ukraine. In order to strengthen international climate cooperation in the coming years, it will be crucial to honour existing commitments, adhere to agreed processes, and show diplomatic tact in dealing with partner countries.


Carton et al. (2023): Is carbon removal delaying emission reductions?

Wim Carton, Inge-Merete Hougaard, Nils Markusson, Jens Friis Lund IN: Wires Climate Change, https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.826

Carbon dioxide removal is rapidly becoming a key focus in climate research and politics. This is raising concerns of “moral hazard” or “mitigation deterrence,” that is, the risk that promises of and/or efforts to pursue carbon removal end up reducing or delaying near-term mitigation efforts. Some, however, contest this risk, arguing that it is overstated or lacking evidence. In this review, te authors explore the reasons behind the disagreement in the literature.


Nature-Krevor et al. (2023): Subsurface carbon dioxide and hydrogen storage for a sustainable energy future

Samuel Krevor, Heleen de Coninck, Sarah E. Gasda, Navraj Singh Ghaleigh, Vincent de Gooyert, Hadi Hajibeygi, Ruben Juanes, Jerome Neufeld, Jennifer J. Roberts, Floris Swennenhuis IN: Nat Rev Earth Environ (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-022-00376-8

Gigatonne scale geological storage of carbon dioxide and energy (such as hydrogen) will be central aspects of a sustainable energy future, both for mitigating CO2 emissions and providing seasonal-based green energy provisions. In this Review, the authors evaluate the feasibility and challenges of expanding subsurface carbon dioxide storage into a global-scale business, and explore how this experience can be exploited to accelerate the development of underground hydrogen storage.


Webinar: Modeling CDR in Climate Policy: An ICRLP IAM Project

Wed, April 27, 2022; 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM CEST by Institute for Carbon Removal Law and Policy

In this upcoming webinar results of the two-year project will be presented to extend an open-source IAM, the Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM), to include other approaches to carbon removal and a wider variety of carbon removal-related policies. Members of the project team will provide an overview of GCAM-CDR, their new variant of GCAM, along with results from a number of research studies using the model.


AbdulRafiu et al. (2022): The dynamics of global public research funding on climate change, energy, transport, and industrial decarbonisation

Abbas AbdulRafiu, Benjamin K. Sovacool, Chux Daniels IN: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 162, 2022, 112420, doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112420.

This paper explores the funding trends, topical themes, and notable gaps in global public research funding across the areas of energy, climate change, transport, and industrial decarbonisation from 1990 to 2020. Climate change adaptation research is the most funded general area, and the specific topics of energy efficiency, climate resilience, and climate information systems, managing climate risks, energy storage, carbon dioxide removal and solar energy are the most funded technologies. It finds that funding for energy and climate research remains concentrated within the European Commission, United Kingdom and United States.


Climate Restoration: The Only Future That Will Sustain the Human Race

by Peter Fiekowsky (author), with Carole Douglis; published 22 April 2022, Rivertown books, ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1953943101, 262 pp.

“As Fiekowsky explains in Climate Restoration, this will require removing a trillion tons of excess CO2 from the atmosphere. The good news is that this task, while enormous and technically challenging, is eminently feasible. Scientists and engineers have developed four major technologies for greenhouse gas removal and storage: Ocean iron fertilization; synthetic limestone manufacture; seaweed permaculture; and methane oxidation. Fiekowsky shows that these technologies are safe and practical-and, even more remarkable, that they require little if any government funding, since they can be financed largely through existing markets. For these reasons, they have enormous promise as vehicles for achieving climate restoration.”