Tag: ethics

Carbon removals briefing: In deep: Can carbon removals rescue us from climate change?

the ethical corporation magazine, October 2023

“In this months’ briefing we assess  the state of the CDR market, the technologies, and evolving standards, monitoring and verification systems, and regulations that are shaping this ecosystem, and ask what it will take for the carbon removals market to fulfil the potential its proponents claim for it.”


Clingerman (2022): Thinking negatively about negative emissions technologies: the via negativa, carbon thinking, and climate ethics

Forrest Clingerman IN: Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13412-022-00748-y

Following a brief description of the “way of negation” as a theological method and a discussion of NETs and carbon removal, this essay suggests three lessons for ethical and political discussions of NETs: the need to use the phrase “NETs” as a metaphor, the inseparability of negative and affirmative proposals in climate policy, and the recognition that the phrase “NETs” is used as a practice of thinking, not a technological object for deployment.


Heyen, Daniel; Lehtomaa, Jere (2021): Solar Geoengineering Governance: A Dynamic Framework of Farsighted Coalition Formation

Heyen, Daniel; Lehtomaa, Jere (2021): Solar Geoengineering Governance: A Dynamic Framework of Farsighted Coalition Formation. In Oxford Open Climate Change. DOI: 10.1093/oxfclm/kgab010.

“Climate interventions with solar geoengineering could reduce climate damages if deployed in a globally coordinated regime. In the absence of such a regime, however, strategic incentives of single actors might result in detrimental outcomes. A well-known concern is that a “free-driver” (Weitzman 2015), the country with the strongest preference for cooling, might unilaterally set the global thermostat to its preferred level, thus imposing damages on others. Governance structures, i.e. more or less formal institutional arrangements between countries, could steer the decentralized geoengineering deployment towards the preferable global outcome. In this paper, we show that the coalition formation literature (an excellent summary is Ray [&] Vohra 2015) can make a valuable contribution to assessing the relative merit of different governance schemes.”


Mazo, Aaron (2016): The Technological Abyss: Heideggerian Ontology and Climate Change

Mazo, Aaron (2016): The Technological Abyss: Heideggerian Ontology and Climate Change. In Earth Common Journal 6 (1). Available online at http://www.inquiriesjournal.com/articles/1559/the-technological-abyss-heideggerian-ontology-and-climate-change.

“Whenever a decision is made in a social, political, or economic context, it is implicitly grounded in an ethical outlook. But where do these outlooks come from? To investigate this query, I examine the basis for ethical decisions regarding technology, focusing specifically on geoengineering responses to climate change.”


Galbraith, Jude (2021): Values in early-stage climate engineering: The ethical implications of “doing the research”

Galbraith, Jude (2021): Values in early-stage climate engineering: The ethical implications of “doing the research”. In Studies in history and philosophy of science 86, pp. 103–113. DOI: 10.1016/j.shpsa.2021.01.009.

“I analyze the roles that can be played by nonepistemic political and ethical values in the design, tuning, and interpretation of climate models.”


C2G Talk: An interview with Youba Sokona: How do we include sustainable development when considering climate-altering approaches?

Context matters and without clarity on the impacts that climate-altering approaches will have from different perspectives, it will be difficult to deal with the ethical and governance dimensions, said Youba Sokona during a C2GTalk interview. He highlights the need for research that not only considers the global level, but seeks to understand the national and local levels where people’s lives are impacted.”


Lenzi, Dominic (2021): On the Permissibility (Or Otherwise) of Negative Emissions

Lenzi, Dominic (2021): On the Permissibility (Or Otherwise) of Negative Emissions. In Ethics, Policy [&] Environment, pp. 1–14. DOI: 10.1080/21550085.2021.1885249.

“While NETs are not risk-free, I argue that they could be part of minimally just responses to climate change. In doing so, I identify a dilemma between limiting warming to 1.5 ° C, which promises lower climate impacts but implies greater NETs risks, and 2°C, which requires less NETs but promises greater climate impacts. Finally, I consider what the case of NETs reveals about permissibility in the face of non-compliance with principles of climate justice.”


NCAR: CCIS 2020 Webinar Series: Recordings

“Main Goals of the CCIS Webinar Series: Conceptualization of a research framework for assessing proposed climate intervention strategies: Establish shared understanding of ongoing research of climate intervention strategies in different research communities and main challenges. Reach a perspectival integration for completeness of knowledge/understanding. Identify elements of a research program, identify existing and new working groups of such a program.”