CO2-removal News

International Summer School “bio:char crossroads”

Summer School 09. – 16.09.2012

„The multi-talented biochar is one of the world’s fastest growing research topics. The 1st International Biochar Summer School “bio:char crossroads” offers excellent young scientists from around the world a valuable means of information exchange and professional development. It will be a highly productive event with good opportunities for networking with senior scientists and peers in the field of biochar. The main topics of the Summer School are: biochar production, feedstock availability, system integration, biochar characterization, and soil effects of biochar.“


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Pringle, K. J.; Carslaw, K. S.; et al. (2012): A multi-model assessment of the efficacy of sea spray geoengineering

Pringle, K. J.; Carslaw, K. S.; Fan, T.; Mann, G.W; Hill, A.; Stier, P. et al. (2012): A multi-model assessment of the efficacy of sea spray geoengineering. In: Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss 12 (3), pp 7125–7166.

„Artificially increasing the albedo of marine clouds by the mechanical emission of sea spray aerosol has been proposed as a geoengineering technique to slow the warming caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gases. A previous global model study found that only modest increases and sometimes even decreases in cloud drop number (CDN) concentrations would result from plausible emission scenarios. Here we extend that work to examine the conditions under which decreases in CDN can occur, and use three independent global models to quantify maximum achievable CDN changes.“


Talk/Lecture: ‘Green’ Economy or Greed Economy?

24.03.2012, 11:00-17:00,[nbsp]London Feminist Library

Rio+20 Teach-in. „The ‘green economy’ consists of (i) giving nature and ‘ecosystem services’ a financial value which can be used to facilitate trading, as has already taken place for carbon emissions, and (ii) using new ‘green’ technologies such synthetic biology/biomass and ‘geo-engineering’ to combat environmental problems.“
