REPORT: The Implications Of Geo-Engineering Schemes for New Zealand Conference 2011
Short report with links about a workshop on CE located in New Zealand. It used the 1000minds tool.
Short report with links about a workshop on CE located in New Zealand. It used the 1000minds tool.
Schwefelimpfungen für die Atmosphäre, Eisendünger für die Meere und gigantische Spiegel für die Erdumlaufbahn: In Nagoya haben die UN-Länder ein Moratorium für umstrittene Geoengineering-Experimente beschlossen. Für Umweltschützer ein „Meilenstein“.
A critical political report by the ETC group on Climate Engineering.
Link (Direct Download)
Betz, G., and Cacean, S. (2011), ‘The moral controversy about Climate Engineering. an argument map’, Version 2011-02-24 [lt][gt], updated 24 Feb 2011, accessed 4 Jul 2011.
Flow chart of arguments in the discours on Climate Engineering.
Hester, Tracy (2011): Remaking the World to Save it: Applying U.S. Environmental Laws to Climate Engineering Projects (February 4, 2011). Available at SSRN:
Paper on legal regulation according to U.S. laws.
Kravitz, B., Robock, A., Boucher, O. et al. (2011), ‘The Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP)’, Atmosph. Sci. Lett, 12/2: 162–167. DOI 10.1002/asl.316
„To evaluate the effects of stratospheric geoengineering with sulphate aerosols, we propose standard forcing scenarios to be applied to multiple climate models to compare their results and determine the robustness of their responses. Thus far, different modeling groups have used different forcing scenarios for both global warming and geoengineering, complicating the comparison of results. We recommend four experiments to explore the extent to which geoengineering might offset climate change projected in some of the Climate Model Intercomparison Project 5 experiments. These experiments focus on stratospheric aerosols, but future experiments under this framework may focus on different means of geoengineering.“
„Radical technological responses to counteract global warming are receiving increased attention as a possible policy option. But is geoengineering a potential safety net, a distraction or a dead end? Phil Williamson explores.“
Einführender Artikel zu CE allgemein. „Großtechnische Ideen wie ein Sonnenschirm für die ganze Erde und das Wegschließen des Kohlendioxids bergen Chancen, Risiken – und reichlich Futter für politischen Streit.“
Report for the Congressional Research Service of the USA.
Link (Direct Download)
Mergen, B. (2011): Fixing the Sky: The Checkered History of Weather and Climate Control. In: Journal of American History 98 (1), S. 169–170.
Book review on Flemings „Fixing the Sky“.