CO₂-removal News

Sánchez, Joan-Pau; McInnes, Colin R. (2015): Optimal Sunshade Configurations for Space-Based Geoengineering near the Sun-Earth L1 Point

Sánchez, Joan-Pau; McInnes, Colin R. (2015): Optimal Sunshade Configurations for Space-Based Geoengineering near the Sun-Earth L1 Point. In PloS one 10 (8), pp. e0136648. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0136648[nbsp][nbsp]

„In particular, the paper revisits the concept of deploying a large sunshade or occulting disk at a static position near the Sun-Earth L1 Lagrange equilibrium point. Among the solar radiation management methods that have been proposed thus far, space-based concepts are generally seen as the least timely, albeit also as one of the most efficient.“


Project: Mechanism and Impacts of Geoengineering (China)

New project in China.

„In light of the difficulties in achieving emission control,[nbsp]serious consequences of „business as usual“[nbsp](Fig. 2) and urgency of approaching climatic ‘tipping point’, SRM seems to be the only feasible option mitigating global warming in a short time (Fig. 3), but the uncertainty of basic mechanism and potential impacts of SRM are so huge, that we absolutely can’t do any experiment on our real planet, instead we use computer modeling as our only way to improve our understanding of geoengineering.“


Kruger, Tim (2015): Dimensions of Geoengineering: An Analysis of the Royal Societys Blob Diagram

Kruger, Tim (2015): Dimensions of Geoengineering: An Analysis of the Royal Society’s ‚Blob‘ Diagram (CGG Working Papers, 26).

„The Royal Society’s 2009 report “Geoengineering the climate: Science, governance and uncertainty” is seen as a key reference on the subject of geoengineering and one of the diagrams which depicts a preliminary evaluation of the range of proposed techniques is one of the most remarked upon pieces of the report. For many, it presents a useful synthesis of the analysis that went into the report. For others, however, the diagram is problematic. This paper unpacks some of the diagram’s limitations.“

Link (pdf)

CGG Briefing Note: Is there a place for geoengineering in addressing climate change? (2015)

Is there a place for geoengineering in addressing climate change? (2015) (CGG Briefing Notes, 7).

„Geoengineering should certainly not be considered a magic bullet that will make the challenges of adaptation and mitigation go away; Indeed, it is wise to always consider geoengineering in the context of mitigation and adaption; […]“


CGG Briefing Note: What should we expext from geoengineering research? (2015)

What should we expext from geoengineering research? (2015) (CGG Briefing Notes, 6).

„The general value of research on new technologies is to assess effectiveness and safety: to pare down uncertainty and reduce risks, so that we can take account of them in appropriate governance strategies and in detailed regulation for deployment. But in the case of geoengineering, the research to assess effectiveness and safety faces such technical and social uncertainties as to require governance itself, beyond the familiar institutional ethical review.“


Thamo, Tas; Pannell, David J. (2015): Challenges in developing effective policy for soil carbon sequestration. Perspectives on additionality, leakage, and permanence

Thamo, Tas; Pannell, David J. (2015): Challenges in developing effective policy for soil carbon sequestration. Perspectives on additionality, leakage, and permanence. In Climate Policy, pp. 1–20. DOI 10.1080/14693062.2015.1075372

„If carbon sequestration is to be a cost-effective substitute for reducing emissions then it must occur under a framework that ensures that the sequestration is additional to what would otherwise have occurred, the carbon is stored permanently, and any leakage is properly accounted for. We discuss significant challenges in meeting these requirements, including some not previously recognized. Although we focus on sequestration in soil, many of the issues covered are applicable to all types of sequestration.“
