CO₂-removal News

Weili, Weng; Ying, Chen (2014): A Chinese Perspective on Solar Geoengineering

Weili, Weng; Ying, Chen (2014): A Chinese Perspective on Solar Geoengineering (Geoengineering Our Climate? Working Paper and Opinion Article Series).

„This article will examine these assumptions and try to explain that with current available information, these arguments on China’s position and strategies towards geoengineering can be fallible.“


Reynolds, Jesse (2014): The International Regulation of Climate Engineering. Lessons from Nuclear Power

Reynolds, Jesse (2014): The International Regulation of Climate Engineering. Lessons from Nuclear Power. (forthcoming). In: Journal of Environmental Law (26).

„This article looks to the closest existing analogy — nuclear power — for lessons, and concludes that climate engineering research will most likely be promoted and will not be the subject of a binding multilateral agreement in the near future.“


WGC Blog: Guest Post- Tina Johnson, Energy Action Coalition – A Call for Engagement by Environmental Justice Groups in the Geoengineering Conversation

„It is no longer prudent for the environmental movement to think of geoengineering as a closeted secret of quack scientists or something out of an Isaac Asimov novel. […] There is an urgency that is required of the environmental movement to talk about what failure to win on mitigation or adaptation on a large scale, in meaningful ways, could likely result in[nbsp]–[nbsp]geoengineering/climate engineering of the environment as the only option.“
