Schlagwort: CCS

Otabir et al. (2025): Geochemical Impacts of CO2 Mineralization in Carbonate and Basalt Formations: A Critical Review on Challenges and Future Outlook

Prince N. Y. M. Otabir, Aaditya Khanal, Fatick Nath IN: Energy & Fuels, 2025,

Although sandstone reservoirs have been widely used for Carbon capture and storage (CCS) due to their favorable properties, their effectiveness is limited by slow mineral trapping. This review explores carbonate and basaltic formations as alternative CO2 storage solutions. Basalt formations contain highly reactive minerals that promote rapid CO2 mineralization. Pilot studies have demonstrated successful mineralization within 2 years. Carbonate formations also show promise for efficient CO2 trapping. However, several challenges must be addressed. These include complex interactions between CO2 and rock substrates, difficulties characterizing carbonate formations, and variable behavior in basalt formations under different conditions. This review comprehensively reviews and analyzes the current state of the art on the dissolution and mineralization processes in carbonate and basalt formations.


Berlianti et al. (2024): Evaluation of Potential Use of Multi-Level Sprayer and Electronic Controlling in Simple Wet Scrubber for CO2 Removal and Water Usage Efficiency Enhancement

 Berlianti Berlianti, Indra Agus, Rahmi Berlianti IN: Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 51(1),

The work evaluates whether applying a multi-level sprayer with electronic control can reduce the value of CO2. The study’s objective is to assess the potential utilisation of multi-level sprayers and electronic control in determining the efficiency of a basic wet scrubber for removing CO2 generated from burning garbage, particularly dry waste like paper, with the additional goal of minimising water usage. The system will be built in a small and simple wet scrubber with dimensions of 60 cm in height and about 40 cm in length and width. CO2 value and water usage in the wet scrubber will be measured. 


Nayab et al. (2024): Review Analysis on Scalability of Carbon Removal Methods and Regulatory Framework for Carbon Management for Companies that sell materials to remove CO2

Tooba Nayab, Talal Ahmed, Devindi Wijekoon IN: Journal of Applied Geosciences and Engeneering, 3,

This article provides a comprehensive overview of various carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technologies and approaches aimed at reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. It evaluates the effectiveness, costs, and potential scalability of different methods proposed by companies and research organizations worldwide. The article also examines the costs associated with these technologies and their capacity to remove significant amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere. Furthermore, it explores future pathways and frameworks for achieving gigaton-scale carbon dioxide removal, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and technological innovation in addressing the urgent challenge of climate change.


Nature – Wijaya et al. (2024): Basin-scale study of CO2 storage in stacked sequence of geological formations

Nur Wijaya, David Morgan, Derek Vikara, Timothy Grant, Guoxiang Liu IN: scientific reports, 14,

Commercial scale decarbonization through carbon capture and storage may likely involve many CO2 storage projects located in close proximity. The close proximity could raise concerns over caprock integrity associated with reservoir pressure buildup and interference among adjacent projects. Commercial-scale injection will also require large prospective CO2 storage resource and high injectivity in the targeted storage formations. To accommodate the need for both large resource and high injectivity, project operators could consider injecting CO2 into a stacked sequence of formations. This analysis investigates the benefits of injecting CO2 into a vertically stacked sequence of saline formations, over injecting the same amount of CO2 into a single saline formation, in addressing these challenges.


Kopf et al. (2024): Initial results of a pilot project for sub-seabed basalt storage of carbon dioxide on the Reykjanes Ridge

Achim Kopf, Sayoni Bhattacharya, Melanie Dunger, Alexander Hinz, Marcel Kamrad, Isabel Kremin, Isabel Lange, Eric Pieter Achterberg, Wolfgang Bach, Ralf Bachmayer, Raimund Brunner, Martin Eickhoff, Mario Esposito, Tim Freudenthal, Nike Fuchs, Christian Meurer, Lars Rüpke, Heinz Schelwat, Gerd Seidel, Matthias Zabel IN: Carbon Capture Science & Technology, 13,

This paper summarizes the research objectives and selected initial results of a collaborative project to assess CO2 storage in the upper ocean crust south of Iceland. The AIMS3 project will deliver new insights, monitoring tools and feasibility assessments for CO2 storage in young, reactive basalts with little sedimentary cover. Along the flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the authors have done geophysical surveys and drilled a transect of boreholes in order to identify fluid migration in the upper ocean crust. In parallel, their project also has mineralization experiments to assess optimal conditions for injection dissolved, liquid, or supercritical CO2), numerical modelling for upscaling our results from seagoing work, and development of cost-effective sensors and smart robotic landers for long-term monitoring of the vicinity of the boreholes.


Seyyedi & Consoli (2024): From gas to stone: In-situ carbon mineralisation as a permanent CO2 removal solution

Mojtaba Seyyedi, Chris Consoli IN: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 137,

This review paper aims to provide an in-depth overview of Carbon mineralisation in underground mafic and ultramafic formations, known as in-situ carbon mineralisation. The paper covers key factors crucial for successful implementation, and discusses pilot tests and projects, highlighting their outcomes. Furthermore, it discusses the costs associated with in-situ carbon mineralisation and provides a case study. The primary objective of this paper is to increase awareness and understanding of this relatively new technology within the carbon capture and storage industry.


Walker et al. (2024): Mineralization of alkaline waste for CCUS

Irene Walker, Robert Bell, Kerry Rippy IN: npj Materials Sustainability, 2,

Annually, enough alkaline waste is generated to reduce global CO2 emissions by a significant percentage via mineralization. However, while the reaction is thermodynamically favorable and occurs spontaneously, it is kinetically limited. Thus, a number of techniques have emerged to increase the efficiency of mineralization to achieve a scalable process. In this review, the authors discuss mineralization of waste streams with significant potential to scale to high levels of CO2 sequestration. Focus is placed on the effect of operating parameters on carbonation kinetics and efficiency, methods, cost, and current scale of technologies.


Norton et al. (2024): Storage capacity estimates and site conditions of potential locations for offshore-wind powered carbon dioxide removal and carbon sequestration in ocean basalt

Heather Norton, Devin Todd, Curran Crawford IN: Carbon Capture Science & Technology, 13,

This paper seeks to identify locations where offshore wind and potential basalt storage locations exist within close proximity to one another around the globe. Offshore regions with mean wind speed greater than 8 m/s were identified. Offshore regions with basalt aquifers along seismic or aseismic ridges which provide potential CO2 storage sites were identified and selected based on sediment thickness, age, and distance from plate boundaries. Four scenarios were constructed to capture a range of constraints with implications for technical, economic and regulatory difficulties.


Dong et al. (2024): Negative emission potential from biomass/waste combined heat and power plants integrated with CO2 capture: An approach from the national perspective

Beibei Dong, Shuo Wang, Eva Thorin, Qie Sun, Hailong Li IN: Journal of Cleaner Production, 467,

Integrating carbon dioxide (CO2) capture in biomass or waste-fired combined heat and power (CHP) plants has been considered a key measure to achieve negative emissions. This paper proposed a bottom-up approach based on a dynamic modelling to evaluate the potental of nationwide negative emissions. As heat supply is often prioritized by CHP plants, unchanged heat generation is a prerequisite of this study. Two operating modes (OMs) for the integration of CO2 capture are investigated, which can represent the upper and lower boundaries of CO2 capture: OM1 aims to maximize the amount of captured CO2, while electricity generation can be sacrificed; OM2 aims to maximize the amount of captured CO2, while the electricity generation is maintained unchanged. Sweden is employed as a case study.