Schlagwort: economic profits

Monthly Review: Making War on the Planet

„The enormous dangers that rapid climate change present to humanity as a whole, and the inability of the existing capitalist political-economic structure to address them, symbolized by the presence of Donald Trump in the White House, have engendered a desperate search for technofixes in the form of schemes for geoengineering, defined as massive, deliberate human interventions to manipulate the entire climate or the planet as a whole.“


Ott, Konrad (2018): On the Political Economy of Solar Radiation Management

Ott, Konrad (2018): On the Political Economy of Solar Radiation Management. In Front. Environ. Sci. 6, p.[nbsp]29. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00043.

„The paper concludes that the U.S. economic system has strong affinities to SRM supported by an emerging agency network that tries to establish a pro-SRM narrative and launch SAI research initiatives. There is recent evidence that SRM has found support from policy makers. To supporters of “green” variants of capitalism, the main claims of the article provide reasons against SAI-research. The article finishes with some remarks why SAI-research should be conditional.“


Industry Leaders: How can we lower Earth’s rising temperature?

„So what are we doing to save the humanity from this irreversible damage? After an exhaustive study on climate change phenomenon, researchers have suggested two parallel options. The first option is to extract the immense carbon dioxide chuck from the atmosphere. The other one is to reflect a little sunlight[nbsp]back into space to cool down Earth’s rising temperature.“