Keller, David; et al. (2018): The Effects of Carbon Dioxide Removal on the Carbon Cycle

Keller, David P.; Lenton, Andrew; Littleton, Emma W.; Oschlies, Andreas; Scott, Vivian; Vaughan, Naomi E. (2018): The Effects of Carbon Dioxide Removal on the Carbon Cycle. In: Curr Clim Change Rep 118 (1), S. 105. DOI: 10.1007/s40641-018-0104-3.

“Here, we review the carbon cycle responses to different CDR approaches and highlight the often-overlooked interaction and feedbacks between carbon reservoirs that ultimately determines CDR efficacy. We also identify future research that will be needed if CDR is to play a role in climate change mitigation, these include coordinated studies to better understand (i) the underlying mechanisms of each method, (ii) how they could be explicitly simulated, (iii) how reversible changes in the climate and carbon cycle are, and (iv) how to evaluate and monitor CDR.”