Park et al. (2024): Harnessing green tide Ulva biomass for carbon dioxide sequestration
Jihae Park, Hojun Lee, Jonas De Saeger, Stephen Depuydt, Jana Asselman, Colin Janssen, Philippe M. Heynderickx, Di Wu, Frederik Ronsse, Filip M. G. Tack, Masanori Hiraoka, Lalit K. Pandey, Ondrej Mašek, Yung Hung, Taejun Han IN: Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology,
This review explores the potential repurposing of harmful Ulva blooms for carbon sequestration, addressing the critical global issue of CO2 emission. The authors conducted a comprehensive literature review and examined the conversion of shoreline Ulva biomass into biochar through pyrolysis, a process that can be implemented directly at biorefineries. This approach not only facilitates carbon sequestration but also mitigates greenhouse gas emissions and enhances soil quality through soil amendments.