IMECHE: Climate engineering the Institution responds to a new report
“Dr Tim Fox, Head of Energy and Environment, welcomes new research that addresses some questions raised in the Institution’s 2009 climate change report series.”
“Dr Tim Fox, Head of Energy and Environment, welcomes new research that addresses some questions raised in the Institution’s 2009 climate change report series.”
“If you want to see sparks fly, try suggesting geoengineering as a solution to global warming”
“A Briefing for Delegates March/April 2014”
Clingerman, Forrest (2014): Geoenginering, Theology, and the Meaning of Beeing Human. In Zygon 49 (1), pp. 6–21. DOI 10.1111/zygo.12072.
“I defend the need to incorporate theological reflection in the conversation of geoengineering by investigating how geoengineering proposals contain an implicit anthropology.”
Media response to Viger, Maud; et al. (2014). “In the first study of its kind, research undertaken at the University of Southampton has cast significant doubt over the use of biochar to alleviate climate change.”
Viger, Maud; Hancock, Robert D.; Miglietta, Franco; Taylor, Gail (2014): More plant growth but less plant defence? First global gene expression data for plants grown in soil amended with biochar. In GCB Bioenergy, pp. n/a. DOI 10.1111/gcbb.12182.
Paper on biochar risks. “Using the model plant Arabidopsis and the crop plant lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), we found increased plant growth in both species following biochar application. Statistically significant increases for Arabidopsis in leaf area (130%), rosette diameter (61%) and root length (100%) were observed with similar findings in lettuce, where biochar application also increased leaf cell expansion.”
“Canadian environmental engineer David Keith, now at Harvard University, makes the case for researching geoengineering – shooting sulphur particles into the stratosphere to reflect the sun’s energy back to space.“
“No one can predict how solar radiation management research will develop or whether these strategies for managing the short-term implications of climate risk will be helpful or harmful, but early cooperation and transnational, interdisciplinary dialogue on geoengineering research governance will help the global community make informed decisions.”
“In my next few postings on the site, I’d like to highlight some of the excellent peer-reviewed literature on carbon dioxide removal strategies that has been released in the past few years.”