Month: November 2021

Net Zero GHG Emissions – Where Do I Start?

by OPMMA Product Management & Marketing Association

OPMMA event where guest speaker Charles Funk provides an overview of the key concepts and consequences around reducing our carbon footprint. What does a global effort to reduce GHG mean for product managers, product marketers and other product professionals (54 min in total).


PhD Walsh Fellowship Opportunity “Quantification of Carbon fluxes from organic and organo-mineral soils”

Deadline: 5pm, Friday, 28th January 2022

The objective of the PhD will be to measure field-scale fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and water (H2O) and to generate land-use and land management emission factors for the following site typologies: 1. Grasslands established on shallow and deep-drained nutrient poor and nutrient rich histosols and on drained organo-mineral soils and 2. Previously drained systems which have naturally or actively been re-wetted across the full nutrient and drainage gradient. The student will be registered at Trinity College Dublin. The Fellowship provides an annual student stipend of €18,000 and full EU fees and the position is tenable for 4 years.


Nature – Riahi et al. (2021): Cost and attainability of meeting stringent climate targets without overshoot

Keywan Riahi, Christoph Bertram, Daniel Huppmann et al. IN: Nature Climate Change (2021).

A new set of net-zero CO2 emissions scenarios with limited overshoot are presented. Upfront investments are needed in the near term for limiting temperature overshoot but that these would bring long-term economic gains. The study further identifies alternative configurations of net-zero CO2 emissions systems and the roles of different sectors and regions for balancing sources and sinks.


New funding for Greenhouse Gas Removal research

Deadline: 12.00 noon, 18 January 2022

The CO2RE Hub is inviting proposals to explore new methods for capturing greenhouse gases from ambient air or the marine environment and durably storing or converting them. Projects which strategically address part of a removal method (such as capture, purification, or novel approaches to storage or conversion) will be considered, as well as full-chain methods.


Bolsen et al. (2021): Effects of Conspiracy Rhetoric on Views About the Consequences of Climate Change and Support for Direct Carbon Capture

Toby Bolsen, Risa Palm, Justin T. Kingsland IN: Environmental Communication,

Two survey-experiments were performed to test the impact of conspiracy rhetoric on the views of US residents about the consequences of climate change and support for direct carbon capture.


McLaren et al. (2021): Attractions of delay – Using deliberative engagement to investigate the political and strategic impacts of greenhouse gas removal technologies

by Duncan McLaren, Rebecca Willis, Bron Szerszynski, David Tyfield, Nils Markusson

Concerns have been raised that a focus on greenhouse gas removals (GGR) in climate models, scientific literature and other media might deter measures to mitigate climate change through reduction of emissions at source – the phenomenon of ‘mitigation deterrence’. The paper describes narratives and ideas discussed regarding political and economic mechanisms through which mitigation deterrence might occur, the plausibility of such pathways, and measures recommended to reduce the risk of such occurrence.


Boettcher and Kim (2022): Arguments and architectures – Discursive and institutional structures shaping global climate engineering governance

Miranda Boettcher and Rakhyun E. Kim IN: Environmental Science & Policy (2022), Volume 128, February 2022, Pages 121-131,

Neo-institutionalist and post-structuralist perspectives were brought together in an innovative framework to analyse how both institutional and discursive structures together bound and shape the global governance opportunities which become thinkable and practicable in the face of new global environmental challenges.


Southeast Asian expert perceptions of solar radiation management techniques and carbon dioxide removal approaches: caution, ambivalence, risk precaution, and research directions

Laurence L Delina IN: Environmental Research Communications

This paper describes the responses of seventeen climate and energy experts from southeast Asia on a purposively designed survey that collected expert opinions on SRM and CDR, their risks, impacts, and governance as they pertain to their countries and region. Respondents showed ambivalence towards these techniques, with many supporting ‘natural’ CDR research and deployment while being cautious about ‘technological’ SRM and CDR research and deployment.


This Is CDR EP14: The Carbon Removal Leadership Act (CRLA)

by OpenAir

In this special session of “This Is CDR” the OpenAir Advocacy team unboxes the collective’s newest and most ambitious legislative mission to date. The Carbon Removal Leadership Act (CLRA) is soon to be introduced legislation in New York and other states that, as law, would establish a transparent, standards-based and equitable carbon dioxide removal state procurement obligation.


Carbon dioxide removal’s role to the Paris Agreement’s goals

Ben Rubin and Jennifer Brown (American University, School of International Service, Institute for Carbon Removal law and Policy)

Meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement and stopping the worst impacts of climate change raises important questions about the role of CDR, how much of it is required and when, and how it can be deployed responsibly. This resource helps answer these questions on CDR, which is also known as Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs), by drawing on IPCC reports, a CDR Primer, and a report from the Institute for Carbon Removal Law and Policy.