Month: June 2015

Public Event at the Berlin Symposium: Pointing Science: Climate Engineering – Views Onto a Man-Made Climate

Public Event – July 9 • 19:00 h – at the Symposium

“On thursday evening we invite you to take part in our ‘Pointing science’ knowledge show ‘Climate Engineering • Views Onto a Man-Made Climate’ . Pointing science is a media-based show, in which experts as well as the audience are able to participate. The direction of the discussion is determined by the audience, who votes for topics using laser pointers. The combination of scientific expertise, entertaining elements and an active audience enables a lively transfer of complex and diverse knowledge.”


Matzner, Nils (2015): Engineering the Climate. Politik und Planung der Klimaintervention

Matzner, Nils (2015): Engineering the Climate. Politik und Planung der Klimaintervention. In Matthias Koch, Christian Köhler, Julius Othmer, Andreas Weich (Eds.): Planlos! Zu den Grenzen von Planbarkeit. 1st ed. Paderborn: Fink, Wilhelm, pp. 165–179.

German book chapter on climate engineering and its implications and problems of planning.

Link (

Bellamy, Rob (2015): A Sociotechnical Framework for Governing Climate Engineering

Bellamy, Rob (2015): A Sociotechnical Framework for Governing Climate Engineering. In Science, Technology [&] Human Values. DOI 10.1177/0162243915591855.

“This article explores the governance implications of a Deliberative Mapping project that, unlike other governance principles, have emerged from an extensive process of reflection and reflexivity. In turn, the project has made significant advances in addressing the current deficit of responsibly defined criteria for shaping governance propositions.”


Huffington Post: An Interview with Sara Terry on Effectively Documenting Climate Change

“Sara Terry is a media force of nature; an award-winning filmmaker, documentary photographer, and journalist. […] Terry: […] I dove deep into geo-engineering for a while, because I was fascinated by all the work that’s going on in that field to try to adapt to climate change – and because it’s very controversial among climate change researchers. “


Lu, Lu; et al. (2015): Microbial Electrolytic Carbon Capture for Carbon Negative and Energy Positive Wastewater Treatment

Lu, Lu; Huang, Zhe; Rau, Greg H.; Ren, Zhiyong Jason (2015): Microbial Electrolytic Carbon Capture for Carbon Negative and Energy Positive Wastewater Treatment. In Environmental science [&] technology. DOI 10.1021/acs.est.5b00875.

“Energy and carbon neutral wastewater management is a major goal for environmental sustainability, but current progress has only reduced emission rather than using wastewater for active CO2 capture and utilization. We present here a new microbial electrolytic carbon capture (MECC) approach to potentially transform wastewater treatment to a carbon negative and energy positive process.”


Moreno-Cruz, Juan B. (2015): Mitigation and the geoengineering threat

Moreno-Cruz, Juan B. (2015): Mitigation and the geoengineering threat. In Resource and Energy Economics 41, pp. 248–263. DOI 10.1016/j.reseneeco.2015.06.001.

“This paper examines the economic issues introduced when geoengineering becomes available in a standard model where strategic interaction leads to suboptimal mitigation. Geoengineering introduces the possibility of technical substitution away from mitigation, but it also affects the strategic interaction across countries: mitigation decisions directly affect geoengineering decisions.”
