Month: August 2023

Carbon Centric und Fidelis New Energy schließen Absichtserklärung für Onshore-CO2-Speicherung ab

in PR Newswire, 30.08.23

“Carbon Centric AS (“Carbon Centric”) und Fidelis New Energy Europe ApS (“Fidelis”) haben eine Absichtserklärung unterzeichnet, um CO2-Emissionen der Kunden von Carbon Centric dauerhaft zu speichern und dabei das kürzlich angekündigte Norne Carbon Storage Hub (“Norne”) von Fidelis in Dänemark zu nutzen.”

Der Ozean als Klimaretter?, 29.08.2023

“Der Ozean wird nach Einschätzung der Wissenschaft und des Weltklimarates IPCC ein Teil der Lösung für die Klimakrise sein. Zunehmend wird der Einsatz von Negativemissionstechnologien diskutiert, mit denen Kohlenstoff in den Meeren gespeichert werden soll. In der Fachzeitschrift „Frontiers“ beschreiben die RIFS-Forscherinnen Lina Röschel und Barbara Neumann die Herausforderungen. Der rechtliche und institutionelle Rahmen für internationale Meeres-Governance, so ihr Fazit, ist nicht für die Regulierung der Technologien ausgelegt. Es braucht einen vorausschauenden Governance-Ansatz, eine umfassende Berücksichtigung möglicher Auswirkungen und eine Einbindung von Interessengruppen.”


Gu et al. (2023): Algal-bacterial consortium promotes carbon sink formation in saline environment

Wenhui Gu, Songcui Wu, Xuehua Liu, Lijun Wang, Xulei Wang, Qi Qiu, Guangce Wang IN: Journal of Advanced Research,

The present study aims to characterize the carbonates formed in saline environments and demonstrate the mechanisms underlying biological-driven CO2 removal via microalgal-bacterial consortium.


Plan Sea: Elektrochemical Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement and the European Marine CDR Community

podcast by Wil Burns & Anna Medlener (Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy, American University), 40 min

Rose Sharifian, CTO of the Dutch startup SeaO2, joins Plan Sea to talk about their electrochemical ocean carbon capture approach. Rose, Anna and Wil discuss SeaO2’s technical roadmap, electrochemical membrane technology as well as challenges and opportunities they are facing in the European CDR market. Rose also shares how SeaO2 fits into the global picture of marine CDR startups and why she believes they are amongst the furthest in their development.


Webinar: Scrubbing the Skies – Coccolithophores and diatoms resilient to ocean alkalinity enhancement

Thursday, September 14, 7 – 8pm CEST hosted by Institute for Carbon Removal Law and Policy

Join the next event in its webinar series, “Scrubbing the Skies: The Role of Carbon Dioxide Removal in Combating Climate Change” hosted by Wil Burns, Co-Director of the Institute for Carbon Removal and Policy. While there are promising prospects for marine-based carbon removal approaches to effectuate substantial sequestration of carbon dioxide, there are also concerns about the potential ramifications of these approaches for sensitive ocean ecosystems. This webinar will feature two researchers who will summarize the results of their most recent study, which assesses the potential ecosystem impacts of using ocean alkalinity enhancement as an approach to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while mitigating ocean acidification. The study focuses on the potential impacts of ocean alkalinity enhancement on phytoplanktonic organisms. These organisms are chosen for study because they fuel ocean carbon uptake and pelagic productivity and are therefore critical to the balance of marine ecosystems.


80.000 Euro für Forschungsprojekt zu innovativer Herstellung von Pflanzenkohle, 23. August 2023

“Pflanzenkohle hat im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel großes Potenzial – insbesondere in der Landwirtschaft. Dr. Maria-Elena Vorrath aus dem Fachbereich Erdsystemwissenschaften der Universität Hamburg will ein neues Herstellungsverfahren entwickeln und testen. Dafür erhält sie aus dem „Klaus Tschira Booster Fund“ für die kommenden zwei Jahre 80.000 Euro.”


The Role of R&D and Policy for advancing Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) in the EU

05. Sep; 08:30 – 14:00 MESZ

JPI Climate, in collaboration with German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Aerospace Centre Project Management Agency (DLR PT), seeks to bring together experts from academia, experts in EU policy on CDR, Delegates (funding representatives) and nominated experts from JPI Climate partner countries as well as key experts from non-JPI member states for this hybrid workshop. This workshop serves to: 

  • inform about ongoing research at national and EU level
  • discuss research needs to support effective CDR policies and CDR implementation
  • identify gaps in R&D which could be addressed by JPI Climate
  • provide a useful platform to support the work of the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change (ESABCC) and European Energy Agency (EEA)


Global Direct Air Capture Conference

October 16, 2023 – October 17, 2023; Columbia University New York (USA)

hosted by DAC coalition

The conference is dedicated to accelerating the responsible development and deployment of Direct Air Capture (DAC) to help address climate change.  It aims to be a marquee annual event for knowledge-sharing and cross-sectoral discussions in this rapidly advancing field, bringing together global leaders and innovators from policy, finance, technology, civil society, and industry.