Gambhir, A.; et al. (2018): Energy system changes in 1.5 °C, well below 2 °C and 2 °C scenarios

Gambhir, A.; Rogelj, J.; Luderer, G.; Few, S.; Napp, T. (2019): Energy system changes in 1.5 °C, well below 2 °C and 2 °C scenarios. In: Energy Strategy Reviews 23, S. 69–80. DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2018.12.006.

“We specifically assess differences in a range of near-term indicators describing CO2 emissions reductions pathways, changes in primary energy and final energy across the economy’s major sectors, in addition to more detailed metrics around the use of carbon capture and storage (CCS), negative emissions, low-carbon electricity and hydrogen.”