Busch, J.; et al. (2019): Potential for low-cost carbon dioxide removal through tropical reforestation

Busch, J.; Engelmann, J.; Cook-Patton, S.; Griscom, B.; Kroeger, T.; Possingham, H.; Shyamsundar, P. (2019): Potential for low-cost carbon dioxide removal through tropical reforestation. In: Nature Climate change 9 (6), S. 463–466. DOI: 10.1038/s41558-019-0485-x.

“Achieving the 1.5–2.0 °C temperature targets of the Paris climate agreement requires not only reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) but also increasing removals of GHGs from the atmosphere. Reforestation is a potentially large-scale method for removing CO2 and storing it in the biomass and soils of ecosystems, yet its cost per tonne remains uncertain. Here, we produce spatially disaggregated marginal abatement cost curves for tropical reforestation by simulating the effects of payments for increased CO2 removals on land-cover change in 90 countries.”