Irvine, Peter J, and David W Keith. 2020: “Halving Warming with Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Moderates Policy-Relevant Climate Hazards.”

Irvine, Peter J, and David W Keith. 2020. “Halving Warming with Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Moderates Policy-Relevant Climate Hazards.”[nbsp]Environmental Research Letters[nbsp]15 (4): 044011.

“In prior work it was found that halving warming with an idealized solar constant reduction would substantially reduce climate change overall, exacerbating change in a small fraction of places. Here, we test if this result holds for a more realistic representation of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering using the data from the geoengineering large ensemble (GLENS).”