Wilson, Brooke (2021): Past the Tipping Point, but With Hope of Return: How Creating a Geoengineering Compulsory Licensing Scheme Can Incentivize Innovation

Wilson, Brooke (2021): Past the Tipping Point, but With Hope of Return: How Creating a Geoengineering Compulsory Licensing Scheme Can Incentivize Innovation. In Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 27 (2), p. 791. Available online at https://scholarlycommons.law.wlu.edu/crsj/vol27/iss2/13.

“This Note explores the patenting of geoengineering technologies and issues arising from the early stages of this high-risk, high-reward technology. This Note focuses on one possible solution to solving the issues surrounding the patenting of geoengineering technology: Creating a specialized compulsory licensing scheme.”