Ruuskanen, Vesa;et al. (2021): Neo-Carbon Food concept: A pilot-scale hybrid biological–inorganic system with direct air capture of carbon dioxide

Ruuskanen, Vesa; Givirovskiy, Georgy; Elfving, Jere; Kokkonen, Petteri; Karvinen, Aku; Järvinen, Lauri et al. (2021): Neo-Carbon Food concept: A pilot-scale hybrid biological–inorganic system with direct air capture of carbon dioxide. In Journal of Cleaner Production 278, p. 123423. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123423.

“This work introduces the Neo-Carbon Food concept that is a pilot-scale hybrid biological–inorganic process suitable for the production of microbial biomass.”