Wenger, Ariane; et al. (2021): Public perception and acceptance of negative emission technologies – framing effects in Switzerland
Wenger, Ariane; Stauffacher, Michael; Dallo, Irina (2021): Public perception and acceptance of negative emission technologies – framing effects in Switzerland. In Climatic Change 167 (3-4), p. 533. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-021-03150-9.
“Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C requires negative emission technologies (NETs), which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and permanently store it to offset unavoidable emissions. […] In 2019, Switzerland adopted a net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 target, which will require the use of NETs. To examine the current Swiss public perception and acceptance of five different NETs, we conducted an online survey with Swiss citizens (N = 693). By using a between-subjects design, we investigated differences in public opinion, perception, and acceptance across three of the most used frames in the scientific literature — technological fix, moral hazard, and climate emergency.”