HM Government (2021): Greenhouse Gas Removals. Summary of Responses to the Call for Evidence

HM Government (2021): Greenhouse Gas Removals. Summary of Responses to the Call for Evidence. UK. Available online at

“Along with our wider research, analysis, and stakeholder engagement, the evidence and views we received through the call for evidence have been used to inform the development of government policy on GGRs.[…] This summary of responses is part of a wider package of policy documents on GGRs published in conjunction with the net zero strategy, which also includes: an updated assessment of GGR methods and their potential deployment in the UK, conducted for BEIS by Element Energy and the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology; the findings of a study on potential commercial frameworks for first-of-a-kind Power BECCS, conducted for BEIS by Element Energy and Vivid Economics; the final report of the Task and Finish Group on GGR MRV.”