Bauman, Susie; et al. (2014): Augmenting the Biological Pump: The Shortcomings of Geoengineered Upwelling
Bauman, Susie; Costa, Matthew; Fong, Michael; House, Brian; Perez, Elena; Tan, Maxine et al. (2014): Augmenting the Biological Pump: The Shortcomings of Geoengineered Upwelling. In: oceanog 27 (3), S. 17–23. DOI: 10.5670/oceanog.2014.79.
Discussion paper on artificial upwelling. „A recent example is the proposal by theoretical neurobiologist W.H. Calvin (2013) to construct a massive array of push-pull pump systems to enhance the ocean’s natural biological pump to sequester atmospheric CO2.“