Kategorie: Podcasts

Plan Sea: Ocean Interventions to Address Climate Change

podcast by Wil Burns & Anna Medlener (Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy, American University), 1h

In this episode Lennart Bach, at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, and Veronica Tamsitt, Head of Oceanography at the mCDR MRV company, Submarine, discuss some of the most pertinent issues to assessing the potential role of Ocean Iron Fertilization (OIF) in a marine CDR portfolio, including costs, risks, and legal considerations.


Plan Sea: Dr. Matt Eisaman and Frances Simpson-Allen on Ebb Carbon’s Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Approach and Developments

podcast by Wil Burns & Anna Medlener (Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy, American University)48 min

Dr. Matt Eisaman and Frances Simpson-Allen join Plan Sea to discuss Ebb Carbon’s marine carbon dioxide removal approach and their latest developments. The necessity of field trials, challenges on their path to scaleup, as well as very importantly the relevance and importance of social engagement strategies are discussed in this podcast.


Plan Sea: David Koweek of Ocean Visions on the Importance of Interdisciplinary Networks for Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal

podcast by Wil Burns & Anna Medlener (Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy, American University), 45 min

This episode’s guest is David Koweek, who holds a PhD from Stanford University in Earth System Science and is currently the Chief Scientist of Ocean Visions, a non-profit organization comprised of a network of leading universities and oceanographic research institutions and partners. He talks about Ocean Vision’s general work and thematic pillars. In particular, they discuss the importance of field trials in order for scaleup of mCDR approaches, as well as what is currently hindering scaling generally.


SPRIND Podcast mit Andreas Oschlies

sprind.org, 6.11.2023; 46 min

„Wie lässt sich massenhaft CO2 aus der Atmosphäre heraussaugen? Welche Rolle spielen die Weltmeere als langfristige CO2-Speicher? Und ist Geoengineering unser letzter Strohhalm? Unser Host Thomas Ramge spricht mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Oschlies vom GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel.“


Plan Sea: Ocean Interventions to Address Climate Change

podcast by Wil Burns & Anna Medlener (Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy, American University), 1h 18 min

This episode’s guests are Jean-Pierre Gattuso, CNRS research professor at Sorbonne University and Institute on Sustainable Development and International Relations, France, and Chair for Ocean Acidification and other ocean changes – Impacts and Solutions at Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation; and Andreas Oschlies, professor and head of the biogeochemical modeling research unit at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany.

Together they have led a crossdisciplinary, international research effort to produce a Best Practice Guide for Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement. The currently published pre-print of the guide consists of 13 chapters, written by 50+ scientific co-authors and covering all the relevant approaches available for ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) as a Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) approach. The chapters’ topics range from covering current knowledge of the individual approaches and scientific uncertainties as well as recommendations for responsible research and innovation, public engagement, data reporting and sharing, and monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV).


Plan Sea: Elektrochemical Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement and the European Marine CDR Community

podcast by Wil Burns & Anna Medlener (Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy, American University), 40 min

Rose Sharifian, CTO of the Dutch startup SeaO2, joins Plan Sea to talk about their electrochemical ocean carbon capture approach. Rose, Anna and Wil discuss SeaO2’s technical roadmap, electrochemical membrane technology as well as challenges and opportunities they are facing in the European CDR market. Rose also shares how SeaO2 fits into the global picture of marine CDR startups and why she believes they are amongst the furthest in their development.


Decarbonizing Steel and Cement

podcast by Jason Bordoff, Columbia Energy Exchange, 57 min

This week host Jason Bordoff talks with Chris Bataille about the prospects for decarbonizing the steel and cement industries. Chris is an adjunct research fellow at the Center on Global Energy Policy, where he studies technology and policy pathways to net zero, with a focus on industrial decarbonization. He is an associate researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations and an adjunct professor at Simon Fraser University.


Reversing Climate Change: The Culture of Carbon Removal

podcast by Nori with Jason Grillo, Director of Partnerships and Operations at AirMiners, 56 min

Does culture eat strategy for breakfast? What does a successful carbon removal community look like? Who ordered the veal cutlet? Discover how culture takes center stage at AirMiners, one of the major communities empowering carbon removal startups.