Kategorie: Calls

Carbon Dioxide Capture or Removal and Valorisation: Advances in the Development of Materials and Technologies

Abstract submission deadline: 31 August 2024

Manuscript submission deadline: 30 November 2024

Editors: Paula Teixeira, María Pilar Lisbona, Carmen Bacariza

This Special Topic will address topics related, but not limited to:

  • Advances in CO2 sorbent properties for carbon removal (e.g., direct air capture, mineralization, biochar) and capture (e.g., post-combustion and pre-combustion conditions);
  • Enhancement of natural and synthetic sorbent materials properties for CO2 uptake;
  • Stability, activity, and regeneration of sorbents under different technological applications at low, medium, or high temperatures;
  • Dual-function materials for CO2 capture and conversion;
  • Development of catalysts for CO2 conversion to biofuels and green products;
  • Thermal-, photo-, electro-, bio- and plasma catalysis applications in CO2 conversion;
  • Carbon capture from power plants and industrial sectors and carbon removal from the air—novel technologies, integrated concepts, and methodologies;
  • Conversion of CO2 into fuels and chemicals through biological, thermal, electrochemical, and photochemical processes. In this topic, original papers or reviews are welcome.


Call for proposals: Climate Transformation Fund 2024

Deadline: January 21, 2024

The Milkywire Climate Transformation Fund (CTF), launched in 2021, is a charitable fund that supports pioneering projects needed to reach global net zero. The ambition is guided by an impact-first approach, meaning to support solutions with the greatest potential long-term climate impact rather than narrowly focusing on enabling carbon compensation claims. This year, in preparation for the fourth allocation round, we are launching a call for proposals within each of the three pillars that the CTF supports projects across: durable carbon removal, nature restoration and protection, emission reduction.


International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions – Registrations & Abstract Submissions Open

Deadline for abstracts: December 15

Conference: 18-21 June, 2024; Oxford, UK

Early bird registrations are now open for the 3rd International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions, 18-21 June 2024. You can purchase early bird tickets until 29 February 2024, choose between in-person and online attendance. The portal for abstract submissions is opened as well and you are invited to submit proposals for individual talks, posters and video presentations.


Launched: Environmental Research Letter – Focus Issue on CDR

initiated by CDRmare & CDRterra

Submission deadline: May 31, 2024

Editorial Board: Andreas Oschlies, Julia Pongratz, Sabine Fuss, Matthias Honegger, Matthias May, Nadine Mengis, Christine Merk, Gregor Rehder, Daniela Thrän, Martin Zimmer

This focus issue collection welcomes contributions which cover the following:

  • CDR as pathway to mitigate the increasingly drastic consequences of human-made climate change and to achieve the Paris Agreement goals.
  • Whether and to what extent CDR methods can play a significant role in the removal and storage of CO2 from the atmosphere, individually and as part of portfolios, and how this potential changes over time (due to climate impacts or due to efforts to scale methods up).
  • Considerations on the linkages with and impacts of CDR on the environment, including Earth system feedbacks, economics, society, and governance considerations. We seek contributions both on these individual dimensions and how they impose possible constraints on the feasibility of CDR as well as on the interactions of the dimensions.
  • Developing of appropriate approaches for monitoring, attributing, and accounting for carbon storage in a changing environment – the prerequisite for certification and incentivization of CDR.
  • Developing and applying assessment frameworks that allow, e.g., political decision-makers to evaluate CDR pathways across all relevant dimensions.

All focus issue articles will undergo the same review process as regular articles. Authors are encouraged to contact one of the editorial board members, or the journal team, to discuss the suitability of their work prior to submission.

Please submit your article using the online submission form. Indicate the appropriate article type for your submission then choose ‚Focus on Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)‘ from the drop-down menu.


Literature list on Enhanced Rock Weathering

As part of a review project, Tim Jesper Surhoff (Postdoctoral Researcher at Yale University, USA) is compiling a list of literature on enhanced rock weathering and asks which articles are still missing to create a complete database? The current and future list is public and he think very helpful for people trying to get into the field.

Please add literature using the form and reach out to collaborate.
You can find the current literature list here: https://tinyurl.com/ERWlit 
You can add literature that is missed using this form: https://tinyurl.com/ERWmorelit

GHGT-17 Call for Abstracts

October 20-24, 2024, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The conveners announce the call for abstract submissions for GHGT-17 (The Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies conference), an international conference series on greenhouse gas reduction technologies, with a specific focus on carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). This event will bring together researchers, industry leaders, government officials, and business partners from around the world to explore cutting-edge technology, innovation, and greenhouse gas mitigation strategies. Special attention will be given to presentations showcasing results and developments in CCS, CCUS, and clean energy technologies.

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 16th Jan 2024.
  • Notification of Acceptance: May 2024.
  • GHGT-17 Conference: 20th- 24th October 2024.


Extension: Biogeosciences Special Issue on OAE Environmental Impacts

The submission period for the Biogeosciences ‚Special Issue on Environmental Impacts of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement‘ has been extended. The submission window now closes on 31 March 2024.

Editor(s): Tyler Cyronak, Lydia Kapsenberg, Jaime Palter, Kai G. Schulz, Patricia Grasse

This special issue explores a range of biological and ecological impacts associated with alkalinity enhancement and approaches for monitoring strategies in order to safely scale scientific research in the field. The target audience of this special issue includes not only the ocean alkalinity enhancement research community but also those involved in making decisions about the funding, permitting, and monitoring of potential field trials and pilot-scale studies.


Öffentliche Ausschreibung zum Vorhaben: „Carbon Dioxide Removal – Potenzielle Auswirkungen auf die Biodiversität“

Deadline: 29.09.2023 12:00

Auftraggeber: Bundesamt für Naturschutz (Deutschland)

In die aktuelle Diskussion über die Ausgestaltung der Umsetzung verschiedener CDR-Methoden in Deutschland müssen fundierte Informationen über die daraus möglicherweise resultierenden Auswirkungen auf die Biodiversität und den natürlichen Klimaschutz durch das BfN eingebracht und zur Bewertung verschiedener CDR-Methoden herangezogen werden. Ziel des Vorhabens ist daher die Schaffung einer ausführlichen Informations- und Diskussionsgrundlage zu den potenziellen Auswirkungen von CDR-Methoden auf die Biodiversität und den natürlichen Klimaschutz, die Einordnung in die aktuell diskutierten politischen Handlungsoptionen des Bundes sowie die Erarbeitung von Empfehlungen zur weiteren politischen Ausgestaltung der Umsetzung von CDR-Maßnahmen in Deutschland.


Research Topic: Electrochemical Processes for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Long-Term Storage

Abstract Submission Deadline 30 September 2023

Manuscript Submission Deadline 31 January 2024

This Research Topic in Frontiers aims to explore emerging electrochemical processes for CO2 removal and long-term storage, emphasizing the intersection of electrochemistry with negative emission technologies. This article collection will cover recent advances in electrochemical CO2 removal and storage approaches and their integration with renewable energy sources. Researchers are invited to submit their original research as well as review/ perspective articles for publication. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Advances in electrochemical systems for direct air capture of CO2
  • CO2 mineralization through electrochemical processes
  • Long-term storage solutions for electrochemically captured CO2
  • Electrochemical carbon capture and storage (CCS) techniques