PhD-thesis: Mineral Carbonation Potential and Transition Metal Migration in Kimberlite and Ultramafic Rocks: An Integrated Study of Acid Leaching, Enhanced Rock Weathering, and Microbial CO2 Sequestration
Baolin Wang, University of Alberta,
Carbonation of mafic and ultramafic rocks and mineral wastes provides a permanent way to sequester excess atmospheric CO2. Recent research has shown that this method also offers the potential for enhanced recovery of critical metals from mine tailings. This thesis presents a comprehensive study on the potential for CO2 sequestration through the carbonation of ultramafic rocks and mineral wastes from diamond mines. Utilizing a variety of analytical and experimental methods, this research aims to enhance our understanding of mineral carbonation processes and their application in offsetting CO2 emissions, while also exploring the recovery of critical metals from mine tailings.