Jacobson, Brynna (2018): Constructing Legitimacy in Geoengineering Discourse. The Politics of Representation in Science Policy Literature
Jacobson, Brynna (2018): Constructing Legitimacy in Geoengineering Discourse. The Politics of Representation in Science Policy Literature. In Science as Culture, pp.[nbsp]1–27. DOI: 10.1080/09505431.2018.1465910.
„Geoengineering science policy reports reflect this shift and influence the subsequent trajectory of research and potential deployment. The two most notable geoengineering policy reports are those by the Royal Society in 2009 and the National Research Council (NRC) in 2015. Discursive strategies recurrent in these reports construct notions of legitimacy and normalcy in regard to geoengineering. These strategies include relative legitimation of actors and approaches, differentiating research from deployment, elevating particular geoengineering methods through comparative evaluation, and normalizing novel geoengineering proposals through analogy.“