Monat: Juni 2014

Preston, Christopher J. (2014): Framing an ethics of climate management for the anthropocene

Preston, Christopher J. (2014): Framing an ethics of climate management for the anthropocene. In Climatic Change. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-014-1182-4.

„The paper considers geoengineering alongside various other anthropogenic forcing activities and discusses what the climate imperative would say about each of them. On this analysis, GHG and black carbon reductions remain a priority.“


Barrett, Scott; et al. (2014): Climate engineering reconsidered

Barrett, Scott; Lenton, Timothy M.; Millner, Antony; Tavoni, Alessandro; Carpenter, Stephen; Anderies, John M. et al. (2014): Climate engineering reconsidered. In Nature Climate change 4 (7), pp.[nbsp]527–529. DOI: 10.1038/nclimate2278.

„Stratospheric injection of sulphate aerosols has been advocated as an emergency geoengineering measure to tackle dangerous climate change, or as a stop-gap until atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are reduced. But it may not prove to be the game-changer that some imagine.“


Fernow, Hannes (2014): Climate Change in the Age of Technical Reproducibility – Climate Engineering between Risk and Practice (German)

Fernow, Hannes (2014): Der Klimawandel im Zeitalter technischer Reproduzierbarkeit. Climate Engineering zwischen Risiko und Praxis. Wiesbaden: Springer. (English: Climate Change in the Age of Technical Reproducibility – Climate Engineering between Risk and Practice)

German philosophical work on CE. „Hannes Fernow interdisciplinary intruduces the topic of[nbsp]climate engineering. It integrates as part of a political hermeneutic philosophy of science, technology, philosophy and environmental ethics arguments in the historically established perceptions of risk and nature, and shows that the impact of technological changes in climate can not be reliably predicted.


Humpenöder, Florian; et al. (2014): Investigating afforestation and bioenergy CCS as climate change mitigation strategies

Humpenöder, Florian; Popp, Alexander; Dietrich, Jan Philip; Klein, David; Lotze-Campen, Hermann; Bonsch, Markus et al. (2014): Investigating afforestation and bioenergy CCS as climate change mitigation strategies. In Environ. Res. Lett. 9 (6), p.[nbsp]64029. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/9/6/064029.

„In this paper, we investigate two land-based climate change mitigation strategies for carbon removal: (1) afforestation and (2) bioenergy in combination with carbon capture and storage technology (bioenergy CCS). In our approach, a global tax on GHG emissions aimed at ambitious climate change mitigation incentivizes land-based mitigation by penalizing positive and rewarding negative CO2 emissions from the land-use system.“


Moore, John C.; et al. (2014): Arctic sea ice and atmospheric circulation under the GeoMIP G1 scenario

Moore, John C.; Rinke, Annette; Yu, Xiaoyong; Ji, Duoying; Cui, Xuefeng; Li, Yan et al. (2014): Arctic sea ice and atmospheric circulation under the GeoMIP G1 scenario. In J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 119 (2), pp.[nbsp]567–583. DOI: 10.1002/2013JD021060.

„We analyze simulated sea ice changes in eight different Earth System Models that have conducted experiment G1 of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP).“


Curry, Charles L.; et al. (2014): A multimodel examination of climate extremes in an idealized geoengineering experiment

Curry, Charles L.; Sillmann, Jana; Bronaugh, David; Alterskjaer, Kari; Cole, Jason N. S.; Ji, Duoying et al. (2014): A multimodel examination of climate extremes in an idealized geoengineering experiment. In J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 119 (7), pp.[nbsp]3900–3923. DOI: 10.1002/2013JD020648.

„Temperature and precipitation extremes are examined in the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project experiment G1, wherein an instantaneous quadrupling of CO2 from its preindustrial control value is offset by a commensurate reduction in solar irradiance.“
