Resilience Science Blog: Can Geoengineering and Planetary stewardship be combined?
On the connection of Climate Engineering and Planatary stewardship.
On the connection of Climate Engineering and Planatary stewardship.
Article on the discussion of the book Freakonomics (by Levitt/Dubner).
Comparing engineered planet with engineered humans.
Article on the Planete under Pressure Conference with the topic of including development countries.
Blog from the Planet under Pressure Conference
by Lynn M. Russell, Philip J. Rasch, Georgina M. Mace, Robert B. Jackson,
John Shepherd, Peter Liss, Margaret Leinen, David Schimel, Naomi E. Vaughan,
Anthony C. Janetos, Philip W. Boyd, Richard J. Norby, Ken Caldeira,
Joonas Merikanto, Paulo Artaxo, Jerry Melillo, M. Granger Morgan
Available at SSRN:
Article in German language: „Geo-Engineering und Treibhauseffekt. Mit Hightech gegen den Klimawandel“[nbsp]von Harald Wiederschein im Focus-Online.
Convenors: Kathy Jo Wetter, .ETC Group; Claudia Neubauer, Fondations Sciences Citoyennes; Hartmut Meyer, The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER); Tom Wakeford, Society for Participation, Engagement And Knowledge Sharing (SPEAKS); Chee Yoke Ling, Third World Network
Convenors: Steve Rayner, University of Oxford; Catherine Redgwell, University College London; John Shepherd, NOC Southampton; Julian Savulescu, University of Oxford; Nick Pidgeon, Cardiff University