ZDF: Operation earth climate (German video)
German documentary on CE including interviews with the GEOMAR.
German documentary on CE including interviews with the GEOMAR.
„Mimic an eruption by spraying sulfuric acid into the stratosphere.“
„Bellona has been a leader in the Bio-CCS field for many years — what follows is a recap of an email exchange with Bellona Bio-CCS expert Marika Andersen[nbsp]to share more about their work and their views of the importance of Bio-CCS in meeting climate goals.“
„In this article, we take up these questions, arguing that talking about climate engineering as a technological solution to a social problem – i.e., climate change – can discursively lead to the side-lining of these repercussions and of alternative solutions to climate change. To do so, we will first lay out the rationale of climate engineering and explain what it is. In a second step, we identify potential technical and political side-effects before we critically discuss whether in the current debate climate engineering being framed as a ‘technological fix’. In the conclusion, we summarize our argumentation and provide an outlook on the politics of climate engineering.“
Kristjánsson, Jón Egill; Muri, Helene; Schmidt, Hauke (2015): The hydrological cycle response to cirrus cloud thinning. In Geophys. Res. Lett., pp.[nbsp]n/a-n/a. DOI: 10.1002/2015GL066795[nbsp]
„Using a global climate model, we investigate the hydrological cycle response to ‘cirrus cloud thinning (CCT)’, which is a proposed climate engineering technique that seeks to enhance outgoing longwave radiation. Investigations of the ‘fast response’ in experiments with fixed sea surface temperatures reveal that CCT causes a significant enhancement of the latent heat flux and precipitation. This is due to enhanced radiative cooling of the troposphere, which is opposite to the effect of increased CO2 concentrations.“
German/French documentary about CE.
„Man-made global cooling is scary, but may become necessary“
„The Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment asked one of its researchers to answer the question: “Who is saying what about the likelihood of staying below a 2 degrees Celsius rise above pre-industrial atmospheric temperatures?” The results beg the question, should researchers and policy-makers be thinking more seriously and openly about climate engineering research?“
Hope, Mat (2015): Impact assessment. Geoengineering challenges. In Nature Climate change 5 (12), p.[nbsp]1027. DOI: 10.1038/nclimate2886[nbsp]
„Geoengineering is moving from modelling to field experiments, with potentially significant environmental, social and ethical impacts. Impact assessments are normally undertaken to determine the risks of such activities. But new research suggests international law is currently insufficiently tailored to the particular assessment challenges posed by geoengineering“
Article on responses to climate change, including CE. „[…] we invited authors, experts and activists to weigh in on the 2-degree target. What’s at stake? And how can we actually get there?“