Jahr: 2009

Memorandum on draft principles for the conduct of geoengineering research: enquiry into The Regulation of Geoengineering, (aka Oxford Principles)

Principles for regulation of CE. „In this memorandum, we present a set of draft principles for the conduct of geoengineering research, which we suggest as a framework to act as a starting point for the collaborative development of international regulation.“

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Bickel, Eric; Lane, Lee (2009): An Analysis of Climate Engineering as a Response to Climate Change

Bickel, Eric; Lane, Lee (2009): An Analysis of Climate Engineering as a Response to Climate Change. Copenhagen Consensus Center. Frederiksberg (Analysis Paper).

„This paper offers a preliminary and exploratory assessment of the potential benefits and costs of climate engineering (CE). We examine two families of CE technologies, solar radiation management (SRM) and air capture (AC), under three emissions control environments: no controls, optimal abatement, and limiting temperature change to 2°C.“

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Pielke, Roger A. (2009): A Perspective Paper on Climate Engineering. Including an Analysis of Carbon Capture as a Response to Climate Change

Pielke, Roger A. (2009): A Perspective Paper on Climate Engineering. Including an Analysis of Carbon Capture as a Response to Climate Change. Copenhagen Consensus Center. Frederiksberg (Perspective Paper)

„This response paper critiques the cost-benefit analysis of climate engineering of Bickel and Lane (2009).“

Link (Direct Download)

Smith, Anne E. (2009): A Perspective Paper on Climate Engineering as a Response to Climate Change

Smith, Anne E. (2009): A Perspective Paper on Climate Engineering as a Response to Climate Change. Copenhagen Consensus Center. Frederiksberg (Perspective Paper).

„This Perspectives Paper overlays a consideration of potential unintended consequences from geoengineering onto their analysis and extends it with calculations of value of information from the R[&]D.“

Link (Direct Download)

IMPLICC – Implications and risks of engineering solar radiation to limit climate change

IMPLICC addresses the call ”Implications and Risks of Novel Options to Limit Climate Change“ within the activity „Climatefiles/kei/media/bilder/P_7th-framework.PNG Change, Pollution and Risks” of the European Union’s framework-7 programme (FP7) for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007-2013). The project is running since July 2009 under the cooperation of 5 higher educational and research institutions in France, Germany and Norway. The overall activities of the project are coordinated by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg.

An[nbsp]intermediate report on project results can be found here.