Der Tagesspiegel: Scientists warn of climate intervention (German)
German newspaper article on CE.
German newspaper article on CE.
„Net zero emissions by 2050 makes assumptions about new technologies which may not be realistic – The credibility of Bioenergy [&] CCS as a climate change mitigation option is unproven – Huge upscaling efforts in BECCS will be needed to get to net negative emissions by 2050“
„Injecting gases into the sky to reflect sunlight should be a last resort“
Including audio and transcript. „A panel of speakers at this year’s American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in San Jose tossed around a few of the challenges.“
Radio broadcast on CE including an interview with Tim Kruger.
Wibeck, Victoria; Hansson, Anders; Anshelm, Jonas (2015): Questioning the technological fix to climate change – Lay sense-making of geoengineering in Sweden. In: Energy Research [&] Social Science 7 (0), S. 23–30. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2015.03.001.
„This paper explores how Swedish laypeople make sense of emerging ideas of the large-scale deliberate technical manipulation of the global climate, known as geoengineering (GE). The paper is based on semi-structured focus group interviews with open-ended questions, allowing participants to express their spontaneous thoughts about GE.“
Cunha, Daniel (2015): The Anthropocene as Fetishism. In: Mediations 28 (2), S. 65–77.
„In fact, this means taking the promise of the Anthropocene very seriously, that is, Man should take conscious control of planetary material cycles, extend the terrain of the political hitherto left to the blind mechanics of nature and, in capitalism, to commodity fetishism.64 And this not only because the productive forces developed by capitalism allow it — although up to now we do it without conscious social control — but also because it might be necessary.“
„You might think that the volume of aerosols needed to increase the Earth’s reflectivity (known as albedo) enough to halt global climate change would be enormous. But speaking to Kishore Hari on this week’s Inquiring Minds podcast, Caldeira explains that „if you had just one firehose-worth of material constantly spraying into the stratosphere, that would be enough to offset all of the global warming anticipated for the rest of this century.“
Horton, J. B. (2015): The emergency framing of solar geoengineering: Time for a different approach. In: The Anthropocene Review. DOI: 10.1177/2053019615579922.
„Solar geoengineering has been proposed as a possible response measure in the event of a ‘climate emergency’. Scientific evidence for climate emergencies in the form of tipping points, however, is contested and unsettled.“
Non-professional dictonary definition. „Loosely defined as the intentional large-scale manipulation of the global environment; planetary tinkering; a subset of terraforming or planetary engineering.“