E&T: Should engineers control the eco-system?
General and popular article on CE. „With the visible effects of climate change growing, is it time for engineers to step in and make fundamental changes to the eco-system?“
General and popular article on CE. „With the visible effects of climate change growing, is it time for engineers to step in and make fundamental changes to the eco-system?“
Schulz, Sabrina (2012): Climate 2.0 – Can Geoengineering Make the World a Safer Place? In: AICGS – Transatlantic Perspectives, pp. 1–5.
Comparison of U.S. and German CE research politics.
„Senator Ludwig has made the announcement in Clare in the mid-north of S[outh]A[ustralia] and says, in some cases, biochar can also improve soil quality and crop yield.“
German newspaper article on a panel discussion in Berlin with Hauke Schmidt and Gregor Betz.
Blog article comparing Direct Air Capture (DAC) and Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).
Burns, William C. G. (2012): Geoengineering the Climate: An Overview of Solar Radiation Management Options. In: Tulsa Law Review 46 (2), pp. 283–304.
„This article provides an overview of solar radiation management options in the context of climate geoengineering. It also includes a discussion of some of the ethical and legal issues associated with SRM research and/or deployment.“
„Physicist David Keith, who has been working on technologies to block sunlight to slow global warming, argues that such efforts need to remain in the public domain.“
Comparing CE with solar power.
„The 29 papers presented in this Virtual Special Issue are a selection of those exploring this biochar theme and which have been published in Soil Biology [&] Biochemistry since 2009.“