Smith, Patrick Taylor (2014): Redirecting Threats, the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing, and the Special Wrongness of Solar Radiation Management

Smith, Patrick Taylor (2014): Redirecting Threats, the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing, and the Special Wrongness of Solar Radiation Management. In Ethics, Policy [&] Environment 17 (2), pp. 143–146. DOI 10.1080/21550085.2014.926073.

Response to Morrow, David R. (2014). „My responso to Morrow’s thought-provoking paper makes two points. First, SRM is more plausibly conceeived of as a redirection, which is not a doing on Morrow’s view. Secons, SRM as redirection provieds a strong foundation for the particularly high justificatory burden SRM must meet, regardless of wether the continuation of our current emissions behavior is a doing or an allowing.“
