Sanchez, Daniel L.; et al. (2015): Biomass enables the transition to a carbon-negative power system across western North America

Sanchez, Daniel L.; Nelson, James H.; Johnston, Josiah; Mileva, Ana; Kammen, Daniel M. (2015): Biomass enables the transition to a carbon-negative power system across western North America. In Nature Climate change 5 (3), pp. 230–234. DOI 10.1038/nclimate2488.

„Here, we explore the economic and deployment implications for BECCS in the electricity system of western North America under aggressive (pre-2050) time frames and carbon emissions limitations, with rich technology representation and physical constraints. We show that BECCS, combined with aggressive renewable deployment and fossil-fuel emission reductions, can enable a carbon-negative power system in western North America by 2050 with up to 145% emissions reduction from 1990 levels.“
