Summers, David M.; et al. (2015): The costs of reforestation. A spatial model of the costs of establishing environmental and carbon plantings

Summers, David M.; Bryan, Brett A.; Nolan, Martin; Hobbs, Trevor J. (2015): The costs of reforestation. A spatial model of the costs of establishing environmental and carbon plantings. In Land Use Policy 44, pp. 110–121. DOI 10.1016/j.landusepol.2014.12.002.

„Reforestation presents a potentially important tool for carbon abatement and reducing the impact of climate change and may also provide valuable biodiversity benefits. However, the economic returns are critical in determining whether it will be a viable land use and this is highly sensitive to assumptions around upfront establishment cost. […] Here we developed a model to predict the spatially explicit costs of establishment of monoculture tree plantations for carbon sequestration (or carbon plantings) and mixed species plantations for carbon sequestration and biodiversity benefits (or environmental plantings).“
