de_Richter, Renaud K.; et al. (2016): Fighting global warming by GHG removal. Destroying CFCs and HCFCs in solar-wind power plant hybrids producing renewable energy with no-intermittency

de_Richter, Renaud K.; Ming, Tingzhen; Caillol, Sylvain; Liu, Wei (2016): Fighting global warming by GHG removal. Destroying CFCs and HCFCs in solar-wind power plant hybrids producing renewable energy with no-intermittency. In International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. DOI 10.1016/j.ijggc.2016.02.027.

„This article proposes a combination of disrupting techniques to transform or destroy the halogenated gases in the atmosphere, which are harmful for the ozone layer, and possess high global warming potential as well as long atmospheric lifetimes.“
