Quaas, Martin F.; et al. (2017): Are there reasons against open-ended research into solar radiation management? A model of intergenerational decision-making under uncertainty

Quaas, Martin F.; Quaas, Johannes; Rickels, Wilfried; Boucher, Olivier (2017): Are there reasons against open-ended research into solar radiation management? A model of intergenerational decision-making under uncertainty. In Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeem.2017.02.002.

„We propose a stylized model of intergenerational decision making on SRM research, greenhouse-gas abatement and SRM deployment, under uncertainties about (a) the extent of future climate damage and (b) effectiveness and potential harmful side-effects of SRM. Open-ended research may reveal either that SRM effectively reduces climate damage, or that it would cause more harm than benefits. We find that SRM research increases the likelihood of deployment (“slippery slope”), and derive conditions that it decreases abatement effort in expectation (“moral hazard”).“