Montserrat, Francesc; et al. (2017): Olivine Dissolution in Seawater: Implications for CO2 Sequestration through Enhanced Weathering in Coastal Environments
Montserrat, Francesc; Renforth, Phil; Hartmann, Jens; Leermakers, Martine; Knops, Pol; Meysman, Filip J. R. (2017): Olivine Dissolution in Seawater: Implications for CO2 Sequestration through Enhanced Weathering in Coastal Environments. In Environ. Sci. Technol. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b05942.
„Here, we present results from batch reaction experiments, in which forsteritic olivine was subjected to rotational agitation in different seawater media for periods of days to months. Olivine dissolution caused a significant increase in alkalinity of the seawater with a consequent DIC increase due to CO2 invasion, thus confirming viability of the basic concept of enhanced silicate weathering.“