Tingley, Dustin; Wagner, Gernot (2017): Solar geoengineering and the chemtrails conspiracy on social media

Tingley, Dustin; Wagner, Gernot (2017): Solar geoengineering and the chemtrails conspiracy on social media. In Palgrave Commun. 3 (1), p.[nbsp]211. DOI: 10.1057/s41599-017-0014-3.

„But unlike scientific discourse, a majority of online discussion focuses on the so-called chemtrails conspiracy theory, the widely debunked idea that airplanes are spraying a toxic mix of chemicals through contrails, with supposed goals ranging from weather to mind control. This paper presents the results of a nationally representative 1000-subject poll part of the 36,000-subject 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES), and an analysis of the universe of social media mentions of geoengineering.“