Seneviratne, Sonia I.; et al. (2018): Land radiative management as contributor to regional-scale climate adaptation and mitigation
Seneviratne, Sonia I.; Phipps, Steven J.; Pitman, Andrew J.; Hirsch, Annette L.; Davin, Edouard L.; Donat, Markus G. et al. (2018): Land radiative management as contributor to regional-scale climate adaptation and mitigation. In Nature Geosci 529, p.[nbsp]477. DOI: 10.1038/s41561-017-0057-5.
„A reduction of global mean temperature through global-scale management of solar radiation could lead to strong regional disparities and affect rainfall patterns. On the other hand, active management of land radiative effects on a regional scale represents an alternative option of climate engineering that has been little discussed. Regional land radiative management could help to counteract warming, in particular hot extremes in densely populated and important agricultural regions. Regional land radiative management also raises some ethical issues, and its efficacy would be limited in time and space, depending on crop growing periods and constraints on agricultural management.“